This repository contains source code and instructions to reproduce key results in Efficient Compactions between Storage Tiers with PrismDB paper from ASPLOS 2023.
- Contacts: Ashwini Raina ( and Jianan Lu (
git clone --recurse-submodules
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install python3-pip
- pip3 install -U PyYAML (needs YAML version 5.1 or later)
- sudo apt-get install cgroup-tools
- sudo apt-get install cmake
- sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev
- sudo apt install libtbb-dev
- sudo apt-get install google-perftools (note: if libtcmalloc is not installed in /usr/lib then run this command (with the correct libtcmalloc version):
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/<insert version here> /usr/lib/
Setting paths for optane and flash disk
- Create a folder
on the optane ssd. - Create a folder
on the flash ssd.
Configure the experiment parameters in scripts/config_test_example.yml
- mem_alloc: cgroup dram allocation
- cpu_alloc: cgroup cpu allocation
- ssd: "het" for optane+flash setting, "optane" for optane only and "qlc" for flash only
- optane_ratio: optane to flash ratio
- pop_cache_size: clock cache size in terms of keys
- pop_cache_thresh: clock cache optane pinning threshold
- num_partitions: number of partitions
- db_size: database size in terms of keys
- key_size: key size in bytes
- value_size: value size in bytes
- num_clients: number of database clients (NOTE: it should be same as number of partitions)
- workload: ycsb workload "ycsba", "ycsbb", "ycsbc", ycsbd", "ycsbe", "ycsbf"
- distribution_param: (reads distibution, writes distribution). 0 stands for uniform and -1 stands for both read and write coming from the same distribution. distribution_param [(0.99 -1)] means both reads and writes follow Zipfian 0.99
- read_ratio: reads to writes ratio
- workload_operations: number of operations
- warmup_ratio: warmup ratio
Compile and run the experiment
- On terminal, go to the scripts folder and run
sudo python3 <experiment config file> <log folder name>
- e.g.
sudo python3 config_test_example.yml ycsb_log
- Logs for this experiment will get stored in
folder - Results are stored in
. Throughput and latency results can be extracted from the output.log
- From the scripts folder run
./ <output log path> <num_partitions>
- e.g.
./ scripts/logs/ycsb_log/<experiment_folder>/output.log 8
will print total throughput (kops/s)
- grep for "LATENCY HISTOGRAM" in
. It reports two instances - one for the loading phase and one for the running phase.
Read heavy workloads can benefit from PrismDB promotions. Promotions need some parameter tuning in file db/db_impl.h
- read_dominated_threshold - for what read/write ratio should promotions be enabled? (default value is 0.95).
Promotions need some time to take effect. Evaluation of read-heavy workloads (like ycsb B and C) should be done with a longer workload (> 200 million operations).
- Delete(key) api is buggy