- Minor bug fixes.
- Compilation has been fixed for clang, gcc, and intel-oneapi compilers that support the c++17 standard.
- deal.II 9.5.0 or later is now required.
What's Changed
- Improved vtk file reading using rectilinear mesh by @supriyoumich in #286
- Shortening duration of automatic tests by @landinjm in #288
- Add vscode and zip to gitignore by @fractalsbyx in #298
- Added script to load vtu into python by @gjerdej in #297
- Updating
by @landinjm in #315 - Update VERSION by @fractalsbyx in #320
- Refactored variableAttributeLoader by @fractalsbyx in #303
- initialize num_pp_vars which gets printed during initialization by @fractalsbyx in #321
- Clang-tidy CI by @landinjm in #282
- Fix clang-tidy errors by @landinjm in #324
- Fix clangtidy license by @landinjm in #325
- Script to update applications to newest version by @landinjm in #332
- Adding pr template by @landinjm in #333
- read the name given in parameters.prm instead of the internal variable name by @fractalsbyx in #341
- fixed nonlinearity criterion by @fractalsbyx in #343
- Update by @david-montiel-t in #413
- Merging updates by @landinjm in #412
- Update by @david-montiel-t in #415
- Update variableAttributeLoader.h by @fractalsbyx in #417
- Added template instantiations for vector, set, list of inserted dependencies by @fractalsbyx in #421
- Remove std::filesystem by @landinjm in #426
New Contributors
- @supriyoumich made their first contribution in #286
Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.4.1