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ganeshb15 edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the VehicalDiagnosticAlgo wiki! To document the learning as we along


  • CI/CD
    • Build - Inbuilt on GIT and Travis
    • Static Code Analysis - Offline - Pylint Online - Codacy
    • Code Coverage - Offline - Coverage Online - CodeCov
  • Streamlit -
  • Machine Learning and AI
    • YOLO
    • TenserFlow

Some Solutions:

  • No More Govt Excuse: Two Engineers Plot Bad Roads, Potholes On Google Maps With Smartphone - News article

Coding Guidelines and Best Practices : Coding Standards.

  • Variable Naming Standards:

    • All the variable name should be appropriate to its functionality.
    • Camel casing is used in case detail about the variable is required in the name
    • Datatype, constants, units and other information if necessary, can be given in the variable name by having a “_” separation.
  • Folder, File and Function Naming Standards:

    • For the main file .py start the naming with DIA and give an appropriate file name as per the requirement, if the function in the file has similar or merge property with the existing file then make it as a function inside that file rather than creating a new one.
    • File, Function and Folder name is camel casing
    • Test functions should start with the name Test. Otherwise, it won’t be executed in the Travis CI platform.
  • Functions

    • No function should take OBD Data .xlsx as the input. Only features can be given as input for the functions.
    • Even in the Test function, the calling of the OBD Data should be in csv not in xlsx because it’s easy to access csv in git.
    • No function should have a plot or print statement [print is allowed only for the instruction of the function not as an output].
    • All the plots should be robust[run across datasets] and understandable [give valuable inference] and plots should only be created in the Test file.
    • In the testing, file make sure the testing function starts with the keyword test otherwise the unite testing package will not execute.
  • Folder Structure inside the function folder:

    • DIA””.py file which has the content of the function
    • .csv file which will contain a list of all the dataset files path which has to be tested.
    • Test*.py file which will be the testing function.
    • Result Folder which will have all the required graph which will have the inference of the functionality and output of the testing function.

Online Work Flow

Offline Setup

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