Releases: privrja/thesis-frontend-react
The Alpa version of the frontend part of the MassSpecBlocks application. Changes:
searching on COCONUT and NPAtlas
bug in exportin ChEBI references
bug - not showing error messages in some cases
bug with sequence type (not) changing
Users, managing containers, sequences, blocks, modifications using REST API.
Import/Export to/from CycloBranch
Other documentation can be found on
Compatible backend version is 1.0.2 Alpa
The Alpa version of the frontend part of the MassSpecBlocks application. Changes:
- dependencies upgrade
- fix bug when searching on PubChem
Users, managing containers, sequences, blocks, modifications using REST API.
Import/Export to/from CycloBranch
Find sequences on Pubchem, ChemSpider, Norine, ChEBI.
Building blocks, sequence N-C direction.
Other documentation can be found on
Compatible backend version is 1.0.0 Alpa
The first version of the frontend part of the MassSpecBlocks application.
Users, managing containers, sequences, blocks, modifications using REST API.
Import/Export to/from CycloBranch
Find sequences on Pubchem, ChemSpider, Norine, ChEBI.
Building blocks, sequence N-C direction.
Other documentation can be found on
Compatible backend version is 1.0.0 Alpa