A dummy Atm java code for implementing the OOPs concept of constructors and inheritence . Features added : 1. Withdrawl 2. Deposit 3. Loan information check features added to a Bank class has been inherited by 3 BAnks namely SBI, HDFC, and PNB . Process Workflow :
- Program starts from main where Customers get a menu to select the choice 1,2,3 for SBI,HDFC,PNB respectively.
- Else if invalid input entered the program will again start its execution from the point of giving choice to customers.
- After the choice selection flow moves to the switch statement for the respective Bank.
- Customer gets a welcome msg and is again asked to choose among 1,2,3 for withdrawl,deposite and loan.
- On successfully selecting the choice the customer will get the account information after the respective task completion.
- Else if invalid input entered the program will again start its execution from the point of giving choice to customers..