Check out my website!
- 🌍 I'm based in San Francisco, CA
- ✉️ You can contact me at or via Linkedin
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Web Scraping, Regression and Linear Programming
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on ML projects
I have worked majorly in SQL and Python
- Python Libraries I'm familiar with:
- Data Wrangling: Pandas, Numpy
- Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Web scraping: BeautifulSoup4, Requests
- Natural Language Processing: NLTK
- Python Libraries I'm familiar with:
I have conducted A/B testing to understand the effect of AI based predictions in modifying physician prescription writing behaviour
I am familiar with Snowflake environment in handling millions of rows of data and plugging them into Alteryx to build extensive worklows for data ingestion and manipulation
I love Automating things even if it takes me hours to accomplish the task but I will NOT resort to monotonous work. Some mini projects I worked on at Novartis (not my direct responsibility) are:
I built and maintained VBA codes to automate pulling data from multiple repositories everyday and saving into respective folders that can be accessed by Alteryx to run different workflows. It would also upload directly into Snowflake tables
I built Alteryx workflows to check for data inconsistencies and report errors as csv files which would tell you exactly what went wrong and which rows were affected. This was super helpful to our team because we could immediately go back to the source and work with the data teams to correct the production databases (yikes!)
I built Microsoft Power App flows to automate sending emails to my manager regarding deliverables or send out promotional emails for the Quiz club I was part of