A simple to use vertical stepper component for your React projects!
NPM package link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vertical-stepper-nav
Use the example from CodeSandbox
Use the example from CodeSandbox
This package exposes 3 components:
- StepperNav: This takes a single prop called steps. Steps is a list which will take following elements:
- stepContent: A JSX Element which needs to be shown next to the circle
- stepStatusCircleSize: size of the circle to show in that step
- stepStateColor: color of the circle
- onClickHandler: a callback that needs to be called when a user clicks on this step. This is optional.
- Step and Separator: These components are internally used by StepperNav component and if you wish to build your own stepper, you can use these components.
For more support, please feel free to raise an issue and we shall be glad to assist you. We are working on adding more features.