Postman API demo of this project is given. If you want to know more about this project then you can see the API demo. I tried to complete this project but I don't know how much I was able to do. However, if there is any problem, I will correct it. The main reason for doing this project is to give an idea about my work and experience.
- Express web application framework
- MongoDB database management
- PayPal and Stripe payment system
- bcryptjs (Hashing function)
- compression (Makes it faster our app)
- cookie-parser (Parses cookies attached to the client request object)
- cors (Enabled origins)
- dotenv (Loads environment variables)
- express (web application framework)
- express-mongo-sanitize (Sanitizes user-supplied data to prevent MongoDB Operator Injection)
- express-rate-limit (Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs)
- helmet (Set security HTTP headers)
- hpp (Prevent parameter pollution)
- html-to-text (Advanced converter that parses HTML and returns beautiful text)
- image-size (Get dimensions of any image file)
- jsonwebtoken (Token based authentication)
- mongoose (MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment)
- mongoose-slug-updater (Sophisticated slugifier plugin for Mongoose)
- mongoose-unique-validator (Pre-save validation for unique fields)
- morgan (Development logging)
- multer (File upload middleware)
- nodemailer (Node js email sender service)
- paypal-rest-sdk (PayPal payment system SDK)
- sharp (Convert large images in common formats to smaller)
- stripe (Stripe payment system SDK)
- validator (String validators and sanitizers)
- xss-clean (Sanitize user input coming from POST body, GET queries, and URL params)
- babel (The compiler for next generation JavaScript)
- eslint (Find and fix problems in JavaScript code)
- nodemon (Automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected)
- prettier (Opinionated code formatter)