A Dockerfile that builds OpenProject, a free and open source software for project management with a wide set of features and plugins and an active community.
Comes with Vagrantfile for local testing; just use vagrant up --no-parallel
This is currently relying on a linked database container. Here's an example usage (including data-only container):
docker run -d --name openproject-postgres-data -v /data busybox true
docker run -d --name openproject-postgres --volumes-from openproject-postgres-data -e USER=super -e PASS=password paintedfox/postgresql
docker run -d --name openproject --link openproject-postgres:postgres -p 8080:80 -e GMAIL_USERNAME=test@gmail.com -e GMAIL_PASSWORD=password progtologist/openproject
Wait a little while for the database setup and migrations to run. After a short period the application should be available at http://localhost:8080. You can check the database migration progress with docker attach --sig-proxy=false openproject
You can use the GMAIL_USERNAME and GMAIL_PASSWORD parameters to enable using gmail smtp to send emails. To use this you must enable your accounts security settings to "Allow less secure apps".
MIT license.