- Supports AWS (Azure, GCP - in progress)
- Provides Multi-tenancy feature via layers architecture (provider, group, network, managed, app, tenant)
- Implements easy-to-construct multiple environment approach, controls by single environment variable - TF_VAR_env_id
- IaC via Terraform and Helm
- Utilises multiple backend providers - Local, Cloud, PG (S3 - in progress)
- Install tln
- Goto projects folder from tln-cli installation above and clone repository
git clone --depth 1 --branch v24.8.1 git@github.com:project-talan/tln-clouds.git && cd tln-clouds
- Commands below assume that Terraform Cloud is used as a storage for states
- By skipping --backend cloud local backend will be used
- You will need domain name to configure all layers (myproject.io as an example below)
- Use .env.template file as an examples and fill it with actual values
- root .env
TF_TOKEN_app_terraform_io=<your_terraform_cloud_token> TF_VAR_org_id=<your_terraform_cloud_org> TF_VAR_project_id=myproject TF_VAR_group_id=dev TF_VAR_env_id=dev01 TF_VAR_tenant_id=balenciaga TF_VAR_repositories=io.myproject.backend.services.api,io.myproject.web.landing TF_VAR_domain_name=myproject.io TF_VAR_dns_records=dev01.myproject.io,api TF_VAR_use_primary_domain=false TF_VAR_rds_pg_db_size=db.t3.micro TF_VAR_rds_pg_db_allocated_storage=20 TF_VAR_rds_pg_max_allocated_storage=30 TF_VAR_databases={ "iam" = { owner = "admin", password = "admin" }, "billing" = { owner = "admin", password = "admin" } }
- root .env
Create aws/.env file using aws/.env.template as an example
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_aws_id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aws_key> AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1 TF_VAR_aws_k8s_version=1.30 TF_VAR_aws_k8s_nodes_min=1 TF_VAR_aws_k8s_nodes_desired=2 TF_VAR_aws_k8s_nodes_max=3 TF_VAR_aws_k8s_nodes_size=t3a.medium TF_VAR_aws_k8s_nodes_disk=50
Install dependencies
tln install aws --depends
Construct four AWS Infrastructure Instance layers
- Provider layer - configure ERC
tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers provider --state project,provider
- Groupr layer - configure Route53, certificate & validation. You will need to modify DNS nameservers at your registrar side
tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers group --state project,provider,group
- Network and Managed layers - configure VPC, Bastion, K8s
tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers network,managed --state project,provider,group,env,layer
At this point you have ready to use cloud infrastructure with K8s and secure access via bastion
- Initiate sshuttle connection to the cluster via bastion (first terminal)
tln connect aws
- Open shell with necessary environment variables (second terminal)
tln shell aws
- Check cluster (second terminal)
kubectl get pods -A
- Close shell (second terminal)
- Close sshuttle connection (first terminal)
You can go extra mile and deploy your SaaS-specific resources
- Start secure sshuttle connection (first terminal)
tln connect aws
- Deploy App layer - configure Nginx ingress, Postgres DBs, DNS records (second terminal)
tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers app --state project,provider,group,env,layer
- You can check endpoints availability in browser https://dev01.myprojecy.io & https://api.dev01.myproject.io
Now you can deconstruct all layers and free all Cloud resources
- Undeploy App layer (second terminal)
tln deconstruct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers app --state project,provider,group,env,layer
- Close sshuttle connection (first terminal)
- Delete Network and Managed layers
tln deconstruct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers network,managed --state project,provider,group,env,layer
- Delete Groupr layer
tln deconstruct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers group --state project,provider,group
- Delete Provider layer
tln deconstruct aws -- --backend cloud --init --apply --layers provider --state project,provider
In development
In development
General format
tln [construct | deconstruct] [do | aws] [-u] -- [option, [option], ...]
Option | Description | Example |
backend | Defines which backend provider should bu used (cloud, pg) | $ tln construct do -- --backend cloud $ tln construct aws -- --backend pg |
state | Defines how store name will be built: project, provider, env, layer, tenant, <custom_string> | $ tln construct do -- --backend cloud -- state project,provider,env,layer will use tln-clouds-do-dev-managed Terraform Cloud workspace |
init | Run Terraform init | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init |
upgrade | Run Terraform upgrade mode for init | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --init --upgrade |
plan | Run Terraform plan | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --plan |
apply | Run Terraform apply | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --apply |
auto-approve | Tun on auto approve for apply & destroy | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --apply --auto-approve |
layers | Select which layers will be included | $ tln construct aws -- --backend cloud --apply --layers tenant will construct infrastructure for tenant layer only |
bastion | Bastion address in form user@ip | $ tln bridge aws -- --bastion devops@ will establish ssh connection with local box and bastion |
bridge-port | Local port for bridge to bastion | $ tln connect aws -- --bridge-port 8888 will run shell with ssh connection into k8s cluster |