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Releases: prolificinteractive/pandroid-gradle-plugin

Release - 0.4.4

14 Jun 19:00
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Do not create an Android Manifest file

Release - 0.4.3

14 Jun 18:35
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Chore - Support Java and Kotlin test files (#36)

Release - 0.4.2

31 May 16:46
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Fix missing kotlin classes in multi module classes. (#34)

Release - 0.4.1

21 May 21:10
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Fixes bug where sonarqube couldn't find kotlin generated java code.

Release - 0.4

21 May 18:58
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This plugin must be applied to every module in the project.
e.g in module.gradle, add apply plugin: 'pandroid-keiko' below the android plugin declarations. This includes eg.|library|feature)

  • Adds support for analysis of Java, Kotlin and xml files.
  • Sonarqube will now parse Android lint reports for additional issues.
  • Sonarqube will now JaCoCo reports for native code coverage reports in SonarQube
  • The keiko gradle task has been moved to this plugin.

Release - 0.3

09 Apr 18:26
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CI build tasks now uses Gradle dependencies instead of starting an inner task on a separate build pipeline.
Also fixes the issue with flags not being passed down to the inner task.

Release - 0.2

20 Mar 15:20
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The bootstrap task generates a at the root of the project and will override any existing file.

Release - 0.1.2

14 Mar 19:12
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Added the following tasks:

  • :bootstrap
  • :keiko

Release - 0.1.1

03 Mar 01:14
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  • Outputs build task as its happening instead of waiting for the very end of it.
  • Moves mapping folder under a sub-folder using the same name as the APK.

Release - 0.1

02 Mar 19:48
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Chore - README