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Static Badge

⚡⚡ Get 3x rewards with fully automatic art parsing and smart pixel selection 🆕 ⚡⚡

Recommendation before use

🔥🔥 Use PYTHON 3.10 🔥🔥


Feature Supported
Asynchronous processing
Proxy binding to session
User-Agent binding to session
Support pyrogram .session
Registration in bot
Daily rewards
Pause feature on reaching maximum error threshold 🆕
Drawing specified image 🆕
Fully automatic art parsing and smart pixel selection 🆕


Parameter Description
SLEEP_TIME Sleep time between cycles (by default - [426, 4260])
START_DELAY Delay between sessions at start (by default - [1, 240])
ERROR_THRESHOLD Maximum number of errors allowed before action (default - 5)
TIME_WINDOW_FOR_MAX_ERRORS Time duration in which the maximum error count can be reached
ERROR_THRESHOLD_SLEEP_DURATION Sleep duration after reaching the maximum error threshold
SLEEP_AFTER_EACH_ERROR Sleep time after each individual error occurrence
AUTO_DRAW Auto-drawing pixels (default - True)
AUTO_UPGRADE Auto-upgrading your mining stuff (default - True)
CLAIM_REWARD Claim daily reward (default - True)
AUTO_TASK DANGEROUS Auto tasks (default - True)
TASKS_TO_DO AUTOTASK List of tasks for auto-task (default - all tasks)
JOIN_TG_CHANNELS Automatically join Telegram channels (default - True)
REF_ID Thing that goes after startapp=
IGNORED_BOOSTS List of boosts to ignore (default - empty list)
IN_USE_SESSIONS_PATH Path to the file where the currently active sessions are stored
PALETTE List of colors used for drawing
DRAW_IMAGE Enable drawing of specified image (default - False)
DRAWING_START_COORDINATES Starting coordinates for drawing the image (e.g., [10, 5])
IMAGE_PATH Path to the image file to be drawn
ENABLE_3X_REWARD Enable or disable the 3x reward feature (default - True)

Quick Start 📚

To quickly install libraries and run the bot - open run.bat on Windows or on Linux.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Obtaining API Keys

  1. Go to and log in using your phone number.
  2. Select "API development tools" and fill out the form to register a new application.
  3. Record the API_ID and API_HASH provided after registering your application in the .env file.


You can download the repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies: git clone

Then you can do automatic installation by typing:




chmod +x

Running in Docker

To run the project in Docker, navigate to the root directory of the script and execute the following command:

docker-compose up --build

Linux manual installation

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp .env-example .env
nano .env  # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
# 1 - Run clicker
# 2 - Creates a session

Windows manual installation

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
copy .env-example .env
# Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
# 1 - Run clicker
# 2 - Creates a session


When you first launch the bot, create a session for it using the 'Creates a session' command. It will create a 'sessions' folder in which all accounts will be stored, as well as a file accounts.json with configurations. If you already have sessions, simply place them in a folder 'sessions' and run the clicker. During the startup process you will be able to configure the use of a proxy for each session. User-Agent is created automatically for each account.

Here is an example of what accounts.json should look like:

    "session_name": "name_example",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.165 Mobile Safari/537.36",
    "proxy": "type://user:pass:ip:port"  # "proxy": "" - if you dont use proxy