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Martin Goellnitz edited this page May 27, 2019 · 1 revision

First Results

To start seeing "something" happen, lets create the connection from the CoreMedia Content Cloud instance. This is a configuration element for the CoreMedia Studio and the Content Application Engine, but we will see the results in the studio log first.

Connection and Services

The commerce connection is a core element of the integration and holds a set of services to implement for the given commerce backend - some of them being optional.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

  <import resource="classpath:/framework/spring/livecontext-mock-services.xml"/>

  <bean name="commerce:mock1" class="com.coremedia.blueprint.base.livecontext.ecommerce.common.BaseCommerceConnection" scope="prototype">
    <property name="storeContextProvider" ref="mockStoreContextProvider"/>
    <property name="idProvider" ref="mockCommerceIdProvider"/>
    <property name="commerceBeanFactory" ref="mockCommerceBeanFactory"/>
    <property name="vendorUrl" value="${livecontext.mock.vendorUrl}"/>
    <property name="vendorVersion" value="${livecontext.mock.vendorVersion}"/>
    <property name="vendorName" value="${livecontext.mock.vendorName}"/>


There may and will be some more services to implement, but we will now stick to the starting points

  • Store Context

  • Connection

  • Relation to Content

Store Context

The Content Cloud StoreContext implementaton holds the necessary information for the corrent context in the content and how to access the commerce system in that context.

So the context will contain information about the store's URLs, ID, and API entry-points.

It highly depends on the Commerce system you use, which information is needed.

There will be no custom implementation of the StoreContext, but you will be able to use the generic StoreContextImpl, there will however be a custom implementation of the StoreContextProvider to fill the generic StoreContextImpl with the needed data.

Mock Detail

For the Magento part we chose to place the following pieces of information in the StoreContext implementation.

  • store id
  • store name
  • website id
  • default currency

Commerce IDs

Commerce IDs use a similar scheme to CoreMedia IDs, of course not using the coremedia: prefix. So the generic implementation of a CommerceIdProvider will be sufficient and you will use a prefix of your choice.

Bean Configuration

The beans for the services available through the connection need to be prepare in the spring framework configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

  <!-- Map the properties here: -->
  <context:component-scan base-package="com.coremedia.livecontext.ecommerce.mock.configuration" />

  <import resource="livecontext-mock-cache.xml"/>

  <bean id="mockCommerceIdProvider" class="com.coremedia.blueprint.base.livecontext.ecommerce.common.BaseCommerceIdProvider">
    <property name="vendor" value="${livecontext.mock.vendorPrefix}"/>

  <bean id="mockStoreContextProvider" class="com.coremedia.livecontext.ecommerce.mock.common.MockStoreContextProvider">
    <property name="settingsService" ref="settingsService"/>
    <property name="sitesService" ref="sitesService"/>
    <property name="cache" ref="cache"/>
    <!-- API access relevant other parts... -->

  <bean id="mockUserContextProvider" class="com.coremedia.blueprint.base.ecommerce.user.CmsUserContextProvider"/>



If you now try to start your application, you will perhaps come accross the deployment part of CoreMedia Content Cloud as prepared for development system other than localhost.

So you now will need to add the configuration item used - e.g. - for the StoreContextProvider in the application properties for the CoreMedia Studio and the (Preview) CAE.

Content Preparation

To test your basic setup the connection configuration needs to be hooked into a site in the CoreMedia content repository.

The Home Page of the Site needs a Content Cloud settings document (like e.g. given in the IBM WebSphere Commerce example or test test content in this repository).

In this settings document the setting livecontext.connectionId must be set to the id used in the Spring Framework configuration (s.a.).

When you decide to copy content from another Commerce Site in the CoreMedia content repository be sure to

  • Rename the Site
  • Rename the Home Page
  • Change LiveContext connectionId
  • Change the Site ID in the Site document
  • Change the Name the Site document
  • Change the URL segment in the Home Page document

Also be sure to remove any copied augmented categories (CMExcternalChannel) which might be linked to your content and point to another commerce backend.

With the CoreMedia Studio default settings you won't see these objects. Go to the preferences of your user, move to the product catalog tab and switch on viewing of these objects.


Having prepared all the parts in this chapter should result in a Content Cloud instance trying to connect to the mock Commerce system stub and produce output in the studio.log to make sure, that the connction is starting to work.

If this is the case, we move ahead to the first really visible use case in the CoreMedia Studio.

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