This project provides a UI Widget framework working both on desktop and mobile platforms.
One goal of the project is to converge the dijit and dojox/mobile widgets into a single set of components.
Another is to build on emerging web standards.
No official release yet.
This is a merge of the former dijit & dojox/mobile project.
Migration will require manual steps listed here.
Bugs and open issues are tracked in the github issues tracker.
This project is distributed by the Dojo Foundation and licensed under the "New" BSD License except the Bootstrap variables.less file which is distributed under MIT license.
All contributions require a Dojo Foundation CLA.
This project requires the following other projects to run:
- dojo
- dcl (git clone
- requirejs (git clone
Bower release installation:
$ bower install delite
Manual master installation:
$ git clone git://
Then install dependencies with bower (or manually from github if you prefer to):
$ cd delite
$ bower install
See the docs directory.