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Przelewy24 library documentation - Android

For general information on the operation of Przelewy24 mobile libraries, visit:

To see implementation example please check the example project:

1. Project configuration

The first step is to set the value minSdkVersion=19 in file build.gradle

Adding dependencies

In the Android Studio environment, it is possible to add a library module by using the command: „File → New → New module...”. From the list „New module” select „Import .JAR or .AAR Package” and click „Next”. In the field „File name” provide access path to file p24Lib.aar. As a „Subproject name”, provide „p24Lib” and click „Finish”.

The next step is to add a dependency to the created library module by modifying the file build.gradle and placing the following entry in the section „dependencies”:

compile project(':p24lib')

Since the library uses the AndroidX library, the following dependency must be added:

implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:+'

When using SafetyNet you need add:

implementation ''

When integrating with GooglePlay you need add:

implementation ''

Below is an example of a „dependencies” section:

dependencies {
	//other dependencies
    implementation project(':p24Lib')
    implementation '' //necessary if google pay used
    implementation '' //necessary if safetynet function enabled
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0'

Alternatively, the P24 library can be added to the project using Maven - in this case add the line to the top of the build.gradle file:

apply from: ''

Next, at repositories section, add value p24():

repositories {

At the end, at dependencies section, add entry implementation "pl.przelewy24:p24lib:+":

dependencies { implementation "pl.przelewy24:p24lib:+" }


If the target project don't use GooglePlay, the following entry should be added to the proguard file:


Definition of AndroidManifest file

Add the following to AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Next, in application section, add TransferActivity:

<activity android:name=„pl.przelewy24.p24lib.transfer.TransferActivity"

All Activities in the library draw on the AppCompatActivity, which is why „Theme.AppCompat.*” group styles as well as derivative styles should be used

In the case of default Activity settings, the WebView will get reloaded during the rotation of the library display screen, which may cause a return from the bank’s website to the list of payment forms and render further transaction processing impossible. In order to prevent the reloading of the library window, the following parameter must be set:


Below is an example of an AndroidManifext.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

	<!--other permissions-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

    <application >

		<!--other activities-->

        <activity android:name="pl.przelewy24.p24lib.transfer.TransferActivity"



2. SSL Pinning

The library has a Pinning SSL mechanism that can be activated globally for webview calls. If you want use this feature, please make sure configuration is setup before any library methods calls. Example:



When activating SSL Pinning, keep in mind that the certificates embedded in the library have their validity time. Before time of their expiry, Przelewy24 will be sending out appropriate information and updating.

3. Split payment

The function is available for transfer calls (trnRequest, trnDirect, express). To activate, use the appropriate flag before the transaction request:


4. trnDirect transaction call

In order to call the transaction, the following parameters must be set using the builder class and providing the Merchant ID and the CRC key:

TransactionParams transactionParams = new TransactionParams.Builder()
           .description("test payment description")
           .client("John Smith")
           .address("Test street")

Optional parameters:

       .transferLabel("transfer label")

Next, an object with the transaction call parameters should be created that will be applicable to the specific method:

TrnDirectParams params = TrnDirectParams.create(transactionParams);

Optionally, the transaction call may be set at the Sandbox server:


With the configurational objects complete, one may proceed to call Activity for a transaction. The initiation looks as follows:

Intent intent = TransferActivity.getIntentForTrnDirect(getApplicationContext(), params);
activity.startActivityForResult(intent, TRANSACTION_REQUEST_CODE);

In order to serve the transaction result, one must override Activity.onActivityResult:

protected void onActivityResult(int reqCode, int resCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(reqCode, resCode, data);
    if (reqCode == TRANSACTION_REQUEST_CODE) {
        if (resCode == RESULT_OK) {
            TransferResult result = TransferActivity.parseResult(data);

            if (result.isSuccess()) {
                // success
            } else {
                String errorCode = result.getErrorCode();
        } else {

TransferActivity returns only information regarding the completion of the transaction. It need not mean that the transaction has been verified by the partner’s server. That is why, each time the isSuccess() status is obtained, the application should call its own backend to check the transaction status.

5. trnRequest transaction call

During the registration with the "trnRegister" method, additional parameters should be provided:

  • p24_mobile_lib=1
  • p24_sdk_version=X – where X is a moibile lib version provided by P24SdkVersion.value() method

This parameters allows Przelewy24 to classify the transaction as a mobile transaction. A Token registered without this parameter will not work in the mobile application (an error will appear upon return to the bank and the library file will not detect payment completion).


When registering a transaction which is to be carried out in a mobile library, remember about the additional parameters:

  • p24_channel – unless set, the library will feature the payment options „traditional transfer” and „use prepayment”, which are unnecessary in case of mobile payments. In order to deactivate them, use flags that disregard these forms (e.g. value 3 – payments and cards, default entry setting, directly with parameters)
  • p24_method – if a given transaction in the library is to have a specific, preset method of payment, this method must be selected during the registration
  • p24_url_status - the address to be used for transaction verification by the partner’s server once the payment process in the mobile library is finished

The transaction parameters must be set using the token of a transaction registered earlier. Optionally, the sandbox server and bank configuration may be set:

TrnRequestParams params = TrnRequestParams

Next, create Intent to call transaction Activity and run it:

Intent intent = TransferActivity.getIntentForTrnRequest(getApplicationContext(), params);
activity.startActivityForResult(intent, TRANSACTION_REQUEST_CODE);

The transaction result should be served in the same way as in the case of "trnDirect".

6. Express transaction call

The transaction parameters must be set using the url obtained during the registration of the transaction with Express. The transaction must be registered as mobile.

ExpressParams params = ExpressParams.create(expresTransactionUrl);

Next, create Intent to call Activity and run it:

Intent intent = TransferActivity.getIntentForExpress(getApplicationContext(), params);
activity.startActivityForResult(intent, TRANSACTION_REQUEST_CODE);

The transaction result should be served in the same way as in the case of "trnDirect".

7. Passage 2.0 transaction call

The transaction parameters must be set in the same way as for "trnDirect". A properly prepared cart object should be added:

PassageCart passageCart = PassageCart.create();
PassageItem.Builder builder = new PassageItem.Builder()
           .name("Product name 1")
           .description("Product description 1")

TransactionParams transactionParams = new TransactionParams.Builder()

The transaction call and result parsing proceed in the same way as in the case of "trnDirect".

8. Google Pay

The data flow process using this payment method looks as follows:

To use the Google Pay payment you must first make an additional configuration of the project:

At the 'application' node, please add the 'GooglePayActivity' activity:


and place the appropriate activation entry for the Google Pay service:

    android:value="true" />

Then, in the build.gradle file, you must add a dependency for the Google library:

implementation ''

To initiate a transaction, you must pass the transaction parameters and the GooglePayTransactionRegistrar object that is used to register the transaction:

GooglePayParams params = GooglePayParams.create(MERCHANT_ID, getItemPrice(), "PLN")

Intent intent = GooglePayActivity.getStartIntent(this, params, getGooglePayTrnRegistrar());
startActivityForResult(intent, GOOGLE_PAY_REQUEST_CODE);

The GooglePayTransactionRegistrar interface allows you to implement the exchange of the token received from Google Pay into the P24 transaction token. When the register method is called, communicate with the P24 servers, pass the Google Pay payment token as the p24_method_ref_id parameter, and then pass the transaction token to the library using the callback method by calling the onTransactionRegistered method.

private GooglePayTransactionRegistrar getGooglePayTrnRegistrar() {
    return new GooglePayTransactionRegistrar() {
        public void register(String methodRefId, GooglePayTransactionRegistrarCallback callback) {
            // register transaction and retreive token

Result handling looks as follows:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if (requestCode == GOOGLE_PAY_REQUEST_CODE) {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            GooglePayResult result = GooglePayActivity.parseResult(data);
            if (result.isError())
                showError("Google Pay error. Code: " + result.getErrorCode());

            if (result.isCompleted())
                showSuccess("Google Pay completed");
        } else {
            showCancel("Google Pay canceled");

For more information how to handle communication with P24 servers visit here:


Android library for Przelewy24 payments






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