Apartment Creator (AC) is a junior-level database demo application written in Java (1.8). As flats and houses are 'natural containers' that store various objects, the example of creating a multi-room apartment was used. This made it possible to add to different rooms different objects that played the role of furnishing the apartment. AC is a database application based on Hibernate technology. As a consequence, the rooms can be equipped with different objects that can be added in different amounts, modified or removed from the database.
To run the application, you must install the H2 database and run the ApartmentCreatorApplication class. The results are presented in the browser at: localhost:8080/h2-console/login.jsp
The object-relational mapping used in the project are:
- OneToOne which is common;
- OneToMany-ManyToOne which one can find between
- Bathroom - Decorative accessories,
- Bedroom - Decorative accessories,
- Living room - Decorative accessories,
- Kitchen - Decorative accessories.
Technologies used in the project are:
- IDE - IntelliJ Idea Ultimate;
- Java - 1.8;
- Hibernate - 5.0;
- Maven;
- SpringBoot;
- TDD;
- H2;
- database in-memory (named) - jdbc:h2:mem:testdb,
- H2 console - localhost:8080/h2-console/login.jsp
- basic information about the H2 database: http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html
Contact data:
E-mail: przemyslawkarcz@gmail.com