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Manage Users Action

This GitHub action adds and removes multiple users from multiple repositories repositories.

If a user is already part of the repository, running it again with a different permission will change the permission of the user.

A user will be removed from the repository regardless whether the user accepted the invitation. A pending invitation will be cancelled.


token A GitHub token with access to the target repositories string true N/A
users Comma-separated GitHub slug of users to provide access to. string true N/A
repositories Comma-separated GitHub slug of repositories to provide access to (format /<repo_name>). string true N/A
action The action to perform. Add or Remove. string true N/A
role Role of the user in the repository. Only required if action is add. string false N/A

Usage example

Add the following snippet to an existing workflow file:

- name: Run Manager Users Action
  id: manager-users-action
  uses: ps-resources/manage-users-action@main
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    repositories: owner/repo1,owner/repo2
    users: user1,user2
    role: push
    action: add