is command-line utility for creating Entity Relation (ER) Diagram (or class/struct diagram) from codes written in Rust.
Properly documenting entity (or class) is a best practice in software development process. It enhance software maintainability, and allow developers to communicate effectively with team members and other stakeholders. However, most developers prefer to express their solution and idea through codes, instead of drawing. This command line takes Rust code as the source of truth to produce a entity relation diagram markdown file. This would saving their time and energy for more coding.
# install dependency command
cargo install cargo-expand
# display help message on how to use this command
erd_rs -h
Example Usage:
Create mermaid markdown file (i.e., ER.mmd
) from Rust source code in example-project
erd_rs -d ./examples/example-project/
Output: See ER.mmd
title: ER Diagram
GeneModel "n..n" -- "" OrganismModel : exist_in
class GeneModel {
-u32 id
+String name
+String nucleotide_5_end
+OrganismModel organism
GeneModel: +new(id, name, nucleotide_5_end, organism) GeneModel
GeneModel: +set_id(id)
GeneModel: -summarized() String
GeneModel: ~summarized2() String
GeneModel: +default() GeneModel
class OrganismModel {
-u32 id
+String nomenclature
OrganismModel: +default() OrganismModel
OrganismModel: +new(id, nomenclature) OrganismModel
OrganismModel: -log_to_console()
Sengrith |