This is pretty easy to do on any common desktop platform:
Get the installer here:
Be sure to select the .Net Core cross-platform development
Get the installer for the .Net Core 3.1 SDK here:
Get the installer for the .Net Core 3.1 SDK here:
Install the SDL2 library:
brew install sdl2
Instructions good for anything Debian/Ubuntu based. Translating for other package managers of your choice should be trivial:
Install .Net Core 3.1 SDK:
Directions from here:
wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg
mv microsoft.asc.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
wget -q
mv prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg
chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list
apt-get update
apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1
Install the SDL2 library:
apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0
Checkout the repository to a folder on your machine:
git clone
Switch to the project directory:
cd MilwaukeeMakerspacePiFobReader/MmsPiFobReader
Build the project:
dotnet build
And run the project:
dotnet run
You'll probably get this message the first time it runs:
Reader Id is not
To fix this you need to give this install an integer reader id, that corresponds to one on the authentication server that it will be connecting to. You do this by setting it in a simple text file named readerid.txt
saved in the working directory. This is the only machine side configuration that is done on the reader. Everything else gets configured by the API server upon first connection. As an example, lets use 5, which is conviently configured as Test Reader
at Milwaukee Makerspace.
echo '5' > readerid.txt
Now lets try again:
dotnet run
If it loaded correctly, you are ready to test and develop! Otherwise proceed:
"You stupid fuck, it's still broken!" - You probably see this error:
Cannot reach
If you aren't working inside the actual Milwaukee Makerspace building, you'll need to be running your own copy of the API server on your local network for the reader to connect to. That is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Find out about that project and over here:
Now that you have an API server to connect to, The reader is designed to use the SSDP to find it automatically, so it should connect all on its own within a few seconds of the API becoming available. If it does not, your network may have firewalls in place that block this. You can override the SSDP by creating another text file named server.txt
with a DNS name or an IP address to connect directly to. We'll use the address of the API server at Milwaukee Makerspace.
echo '' > server.txt
If you elected to install Visual Studio you can just open the MmsPiFobReader.sln
solution file and run from within the IDE. You'll still need to set the readerid.txt
file and have access to an instance API server.
There is a spreadsheet here containing parts, quantities, prices, and links to parts for purchase
This is the schematic and layout for an interface board to go link the various hardware components
TODO: Add plans for housing
Write Raspbian Lite
onto Micro SD card using your desktop computer as documented here:
Before you install the SD card into the Pi for the first time, we need to configure a few things.
Open up the root directory of the just created boot
partition on the card.
Create a blank text file called ssh
. This will enable the ssh server so that you can control the OS without a keyboard attached.
Next create a text file called wpa_supplicant.conf
. Add this text to the file, substituting in the SSID and Password of your WiFi Network. This will automatically connect the WiFi on boot.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Next we have to configure the 3.5" screen as a device and point the console at it.
Open up the cmdline.txt
file. Locate the quiet
Replace quiet
with the following arguements:
fbcon=map:11 consoleblank=0 vt.global_cursor_default=0
Next, open the config.txt
file. Go to the bottom of the file. Change dtparam=audio
to off
Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
# Limit power consumption and improve stability
#Driver for screen
Now you can insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi.
TODO: Document assembly
When you first power on the reader it should boot up, displaying a bunch of status messages on the screen, and one of the last messages on the screen should be:
My IP address is x.x.x.x
Using this address you should use SSH to connect to the Pi from your desktop
ssh x.x.x.x
Default user/password should be:
User: pi
Password: raspberry
Download and run the install script:
chmod +x
sudo ./
Follow the directions on screen. This install can take a LONG time, probably over 10 minutes. Once you've successfully made one reader, I highly suggest cloning the SD card to make subsequent readers, it will go much faster. All you need to change is the readerid.txt file for every new reader.
If everything went to plan, you just need to reboot the Pi and the reader will start working on bootup.
This is possible, saves you quite a bit of cash on the most expensive component. The setup is slightly more convoluted, you need to install the software using a local keyboard and monitor on the Pi before you assemble the reader.
There is a spreadsheet here containing parts, quantities, prices, and links to parts for purchase
This is the schematic and layout for an interface board to go link the various hardware components
TODO: Add plans for housing
Write Armbian Stretch
onto Micro SD card using your desktop computer as documented here:
Now you can insert the SD card into your Orange Pi.
You'll need to boot up the Pi connected to a HDMI screen and keyboard the first time, so that you can make configuration changes necessary.
Login as root
and set a password.
Connect to your wifi network:
Download and run the install script:
chmod +x
sudo ./
Follow the directions on screen. This install can take a LONG time, probably over 10 minutes. Once you've successfully made one reader, I highly suggest cloning the SD card to make subsequent readers, it will go much faster. All you need to change is the readerid.txt file for every new reader.
If everything went to plan, you just need to reboot the Pi and the reader will start working on bootup.
TODO: Document assembly
TODO: Flesh this out a wee bit more :)
This is fun, start by setting up a desktop development environment as described above.
Then install PuTTY
Use the deploy.bat
script to push out new builds.