A robust chat application built with Flutter. This application provides a seamless chatting experience with real-time message updates, image sharing capabilities, and a user-friendly interface. The application also leverages the power of the Sendbird SDK for chat functionalities, and uses the cached_network_image package to efficiently load and display user avatars and shared images. The scrollable_positioned_list package ensures a smooth and intuitive navigation through the message list.
- 💬 Real-time chat using Sendbird SDK.
- 📷 Image sending with image picker.
- 📜 Scrollable list of messages with scrollable_positioned_list.
- 📅 Date formatting support with intl.
- 🖼️ Image caching with cached_network_image.
- cupertino_icons: For using Cupertino icons in the application.
- sendbird_chat_sdk: For real-time chat functionalities.
- scrollable_positioned_list: For creating a scrollable list of chat messages.
- image_picker: For picking images from the device gallery or camera.
- cached_network_image: For displaying and caching network images.
- intl: For date formatting support.