I know a lot about 16 real mode and boot sectors but not everything about it. I am doing this small project to learn even more, after all knowledge is power. This project will show you how to write a two stage boot loader written in NASM (Net-wide Assembler), also with a simple kernel written in pure C.
Install required tools for Debian based distros below.
sudo apt install -y build-essential gcc-multilib nasm qemu-system wodim
How to compile?
(NOTE: You need gcc-multilib to compile this now!) 1 - make run (builds and runs in qemu). 2 - make debug (builds and runs in qemu with gdb debugging). 3 - make disk - builds floppy.img (you can write that to a floppy). 4 - make cdrom - builds cdrom.iso (you can write this to cdrom).
How to write to disk?
1 - Floppy, make disk && sudo dd if=floppy.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=2880 conv=sync status=progress 2 - CDROM, an ISO image ready to burn. 2a - cdrecord -scanbus (to see what device id). 2b - cdrecord dev=<devid> speed=12 -pad -v -eject boot32-barebones.iso 2c - NOTE: <devid> = #,#,# from cdrecord -scanbus (2a).
- None
cd into boot32-barebones root directory then,
git apply patches/<patch-name>.patch
Check marks are already completed.
- First stage boot loader (for loading second stage).
- Second stage boot loader (for loading kernel).
- Simple starter kernel written in C.
- Add my simple file system (list of LBA starts and count of sectors).
- Fix kernel not loading again.
- Fix ISRs and IRQs so they work (they cause a kernel panic).
- Fix breakpoint exception (shouldn't be happening).
- Fix keyboard map.
- Fix keyboard handler, it types multiples and '9' is enter for some reason.
- Add PIT timer handler.
- Add keyboard input handler.
- Basic shell.
- Fix buggy backspace issue.
- Make backspace not exceed bounds. (Complete)
- Fix bug with shift key in keyboard driver.
- (Fixed) Backspacing is normal now, works like a charm.
- (Not fixed) Keyboard driver has a bug when you press shift it stays on, caps lock doesn't effect it either. Will fix soon.
- Philip R. Simonson (aka 5n4k3)
- With help from people on osdev.org, Michael Petch, Octocontrabass, and more.
- MIT License (see LICENSE.md for details)