A fully functional online treasure hunt built in CodeIgniter, for Clueless 2013, conducted as a part of Tathva, at NIT Calicut, India.
- Responsive UI, built using Bootstrap 3.0
- Log-in with Facebook (only)
- Implements good security - session encryption, mySQL safety features, etc. Level answers are encrypted (md5) in the database. No passwords are stored as only Facebook login is being used.
- Logs for answer tries, with user details and IP address.
- Admin interface for all user details, level upload, and to view answer log for each user.
- Leaderboard
- Winners and Rules pages (manual update)
Technical Specs:
- Bootstrap 3.0
- CodeIgniter 2.x (Download here. Newer 3.x versions not supported yet)
- Facebook PHP SDK
- Uses MVC pattern
- Documented code
- Built from scratch
Know the Developer and Statistics: This code and the associated web pages were developed and maintained by Saneem. The hunt was held between October 3, 2013 to October 17, 2013. It had 4500+ users and a total of 300,000+ answer tries. You can view it live at http://clueless.tathva.org.
You're free to make improvements to the project. Do make a pull request if it could help others :)
Twitter: @xaneem
- This project runs on CodeIgniter 2.x Download it here.
- Extract the CodeIgniter files to your server folder, and copy (replace if already exists) all files from this repository to the same folder.
- In the /config folder,
- In config.php, enter your "base_url" and "encryption_key", if you intent to change it.
- In database.php, fill up hostname, username, password and database name.
- In facebook.php, enter your appId and app secret. (Get it from developers.facebook.com/apps)
- In your phpMyAdmin, create a new database (with the name you entered in config.php), and import the tables.sql file.
- Your installation should now be ready. To make yourself an admin, first log-in using Facebook, and in the "users" table, change your role to a number >1 (say, 10).
- Let me know if you face any problems.
Note: Some hosting providers are seen to cause problems with the Facebook login feature, resulting in a redirect loop. Please make sure it is a problem with the actual code before you open an issue.
Update: Facebook has updated the Graph API and there are some breaking changes. This application is not actively maintained, and could need some changes to work correctly. Please feel free to send a pull request if you're working on it.
This project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. You're free to use this project for any purpose, but you SHOULD provide the source code of any derivation freely available, along with the proper attribution to the original project creator.
See the file LICENSE.