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3879 lines (2477 loc) · 176 KB

Enumeration: Anchor

A list of anchor positions for an element on a page layout.

Property Value Description
Unspecified 0 Unspecified.
TopLeftCorner 1 Top, left corner.
TopMidPoint 2 Top, middle location.
TopRightCorner 3 Top, right corner.
LeftMidPoint 4 Left, middle location.
CenterPoint 5 Center location.
RightMidPoint 6 Right, middle location.
BottomLeftCorner 7 Bottom, left corner.
BottomMidPoint 8 Bottom, middle location.
BottomRightCorner 9 Bottom, right corner.


Represents an attachment graphic frame.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
maxImages long Maximum number of image attachments to display. If -1, all images attachments will be available.
sortFieldName string Field name to sort.
sortOrder enumeration FieldSortInfo Sort order of image attachments.
imageFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of each attachment image frame.
gridRows long The number of attachment image rows. If less than 0, the number of rows is automatically calculated.
gridColumns long The number of attachment image columns.
gridRowDirection boolean A value indicating whether the grid layout is in row major order.
imageHeight double The height of each attachment image.
imageWidth double The width of each attachment image.


Represents the camera settings associated with a map frame on a page layout.


Property Type Description
camera CIMViewCamera The camera associated with the map frame.
autoCameraType enumeration AutoCameraType The camera type.
extent Envelope The extent for a map frame when using the fixed constraint.
intersectLayerPath string The layer being used to set the camera when using the map frame link constraint.
mapFrameLinkName string The map frame name being used to set the camera when using the map frame link constraint.
margin double The margin value for a map frame with a map frame link constraint.
marginType enumeration UnitType The margin type for a map frame with a map frame link constraint.
marginUnits Unit The margin units for a map frame with a map frame link constraint.
source enumeration AutoCameraSource The extent constraint associated with the map frame.
syncRotation boolean A value indicating whether the map frame should rotate when using a map frame link constraint.

Enumeration: AutoCameraSource

A list of the advanced map frame options that further controls the camera behavior.

Property Value Description
None 0 Use navigation tools to set the extent.
Fixed 1 The extent specified will not change.
MapFrameLink 2 Base the extent on another map frame.
MapSeriesLink 3 Future implementation

Enumeration: AutoCameraType

A list of the options available when using a fixed constraint.

Property Value Description
Center 0 Show the map at the specified center point.
Scale 1 Show the map at the specified scale.
CenterAndScale 2 Show the map at the specified center point and scale.
Extent 3 Show the map at a specified extent.


Represents an individual arrow in CIMAviationNorthArrow.


Property Type Description
lineIndicatorTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The indicator text symbol for the arrow.
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol for the arrow.
defaultPointSymbol CIMSymbolReference The default point symbol for the arrow.
positivePointSymbol CIMSymbolReference The positive point symbol for the arrow.
negativePointSymbol CIMSymbolReference The negative point symbol for the arrow.
enableArrow boolean A value indicating whether the arrow is enabled.
enableLineIndicator boolean A value indicating whether the arrow's line indicator is enabled.
arrowLength double The line length for the arrow, internally units will always be of type points.
lineIndicatorText string The text for the line indicator text symbol.


Represents a aviation north arrow which displays declination of true, grid and magnetic north.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
referenceLocation Point The reference location for a north arrow.
calibrationAngle double The calibration angle for a north arrow.


Property Type Description
date TimeInstant The date used when calculating declination using world magnetic model.
declinationSpatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference used for calculating declination, typically a UTM zone.
GMAngle CIMDeclination The Grid Magnetic declination.
gridConvergence CIMDeclination The Grid Convergence declination.
trueNorthArrow CIMAviationArrow The true north arrow for aviation north arrow.
magneticNorthArrow CIMAviationArrow The magnetic north arrow for the aviation north arrow.
gridNorthArrow CIMAviationArrow The grid north arrow for the aviation north arrow.
variation CIMAviationVariation The variation for the aviation north arrow.
rateOfChangeTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The rate of change text symbol for the north arrow.
displayVariationDate boolean A value indicating whether to display the variation date.
displayRateOfChange boolean A value indicating whether to display the rate of change text.
autoUpdate boolean A value indicating whether the north arrow auto updates.
rateOfChangeText string The rate of change text dispalyed.


Represents the properties for the variation text which is displayed in aviation north arrow.


Property Type Description
variationTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used for variation text in aviation north arrow.
alignVariationToLine boolean A value indicating whether to align text to line or display on side.
variationTextOnLeft boolean A value indicating whether the variation text will be displayed on the left side of aviation north arrow, if false will display on the right side.
showYear boolean A value indicating whether to show the variation year in the variation text.
showYearInParenthesis boolean A value indicating whether to show the variation year enclosed in paranthesis.
variationYearSeparator string The string separator that goes between the variation text and the variation year.
magneticVariationIdentifier string The magnetic north identifier for the variation text.
gridVariationIdentifier string The grid north identifier for the variation text.


Represents an aviation-specific Vertical Scale Bar.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
verticalLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol for the vertical line of the scale bar.
feetScale CIMAviationVerticalScaleProperties The feet scale properties for the vertical scale bar.
meterScale CIMAviationVerticalScaleProperties The meters scale properties for the vertical scale bar.
divisionMarkHeight double The division marker's height.
divisionsBeforeZero boolean A value indicating whether to show division symbols before zero.
feetOnRight boolean A value indicating whether to show feet on the right, if false will show feet on the left and meters on the right.


Represents a set of scale properties for aviation-specific Vertical Scale Bar, such as a feet scale or meter scale properties.


Property Type Description
unitTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used for the scale unit.
divisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol for the divisions.
subdivisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol for the subdivisions.
scaleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol for the scale values.
scaleBarHeight double The height for the scale bar.
divisionLineLength double The division line length for the scale bar. The units are in points.
subdivisionLineLength double The subdivision line length for the scale bar. The units are in points.
scaleUnitText string The string value for the scale unit text.
divisions long The division count for the scale.
subdivisions long The subdivision count for the scale.
visible boolean A value indicating whether to show this scale, if false no graphics will be shown.


Bookmark map series is a means to create a series of map pages based on saved bookmarks.


Property Type Description
enabled boolean A value indicating whether the map series is enabled on the layout.
mapFrameName string The URI of the MapFrame to which MapSeries is linked.
startingPageNumber long The starting page number.
currentPageID long The current page Id.


Property Type Description
pages [CIMBookmarkMapSeriesPage] The pages.
scaleRounding double The specified value to which the scale rounds.
extentOptions enumeration ExtentFitType The extent fitting options.
marginType enumeration UnitType The type of margin.
marginUnits LinearUnit The units of the margin.
margin double The value of the margin.


A map series page based on a bookmark.


Property Type Description
bookmarkName string The bookmark.
mapURI string The map.
category string The category. Category lets you organize your pages into groups.


Layout element used to display a chart.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
mapMemberURI string The layer or standalone table that defines the data to display.
chartName string The chart to display.
isDynamic boolean A value indicating whether the chart is dynamic.
useMapSeriesShape boolean A value indicating whether the chart uses the map series shape.


Defines a condensed tab.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.


Property Type Description
alternatingSymbols boolean A value indicating whether symbols for the tab are alternating.
alternatingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The alternating symbol.
height double The height of the tab. The height in defined in page units.


Property Type Description
width double The width of the tab. The width is in page units.
condensedTab enumeration CondensedTabType The type of condensed tab.

Enumeration: CondensedTabType

Defines the type of condensed tab.

Property Value Description
Round 0 Defines a rounded condensed tab.
Rectangle 1 Defines a rectangular condensed tab.
RoundedRectangle 2 Defines a rounded rectangle condensed tab.


Defines a contiguous tab for a referenced grid.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.


Property Type Description
alternatingSymbols boolean A value indicating whether symbols for the tab are alternating.
alternatingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The alternating symbol.
height double The height of the tab. The height in defined in page units.


Property Type Description
contiguousTab enumeration ContiguousTabType The contiguous tab type.

Enumeration: ContiguousTabType

Represents a type of contiguous tabs.

Property Value Description
Continuous 0 Represents a continuous tab.
Rounded 1 Represents a rounded tab.
Squared 2 Represents a squared tab.


Represents a Cruising Altitude Diagram.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
diagramType enumeration CruisingAltitudeDiagramType The diagram type which should be created.
altitudeTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used for the altitude values on the diagram.
bearingTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used for the bearing values for each part of the diagram.
titleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used for the diagram title, which appears above the element.
bearingArrowLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol used for the arrow that leads from the starting bearing to the ending bearing for a part of the diagram.
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol used for the outline of the circle sections on the diagram.
diameterUnits LinearUnit The page units used to determinte the diameter of the cruising altitude diagram.
diagramDiameter double The diameter of the cruising altitude diagram in page units.
diagramTitle string The text for the diagram title.
verticalLeftText string The text for the left side of the vertical diagram.
verticalRightText string The text for the right side of the vertical diagram.
horizontalTopText string The text for the top of the horizontal diagram.
horizontalBottomText string The text for the bottom of the horizontal diagram.
quadrantalTopLeftText string The text for the top left of the quadrantal diagram.
quadrantalTopRightText string The text for the top right of the quadrantal diagram.
quadrantalBottomLeftText string The text for the bottom left of the quadrantal diagram.
quadrantalBottomRightText string The text for the bottom right of the quadrantal diagram.
autoResizeText boolean A value indicating whether to auto resize the text.

Enumeration: CruisingAltitudeDiagramType

A list of Cruising Altitude Diagram types.

Property Value Description
Vertical 1 Vertical.
Horizontal 2 Horizontal.
Quadrantal 3 Quadrantal.


Represents a custom grid of the mapFrame.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the Grid or Graticule.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the grid or graticule is visible.
neatlineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The neat line symbol of the Grid or Graticule.
maxInteriorAngle double The maximum value of the interior angle that determines the edge of the mapFrame polygon. The angle is defined in degrees.
edgeMinimumLength double The minimum length of the edge of the mapFrame polygon in page units.
mapGridEdges [CIMMapGridEdge] The map grid edges.


Property Type Description
layerURI string The path to the layer used to define the grid lines.
gridLines [CIMGridLine] The gridLines of the custom grid. These are limited to ticks, labels, and tabs.


Defines the label template for custom grids.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
labelExpressionInfo CIMExpressionInfo The label expression. Either a simple field name or an Arcade expression.
edgeLabelAngles [double] The list of label angles to set the text symbol angle for each grid edge.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol of the label.


Represents the properties of a declination calculated using World Magnetic Model.


Property Type Description
direction enumeration DeclinationDirection The direction the declination is reckoned from.
degrees long The degrees of declination.
minutes long The minutes of declination.
mils double The mil radians of declination.

Enumeration: DeclinationDirection

Defines which direction declination will be calculated from.

Property Value Description
West 0 Declination reckoned West (counterclockwise)
East 1 Declination reckoned East (clockwise)


Represents a double filled alternating scale bar.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
alignToZeroPoint boolean A value indicating whether the scale bar should align to zero.
barHeight double The scale bar height.
division double The division value.
divisions long The number of divisions.
divisionsBeforeZero long The number of divisions before zero.
fittingStrategy enumeration ScaleBarFittingStrategy The fitting strategy.
labelFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The label frequency.
labelGap double The label gap value.
labelPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The label position.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference Label symbol.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
subdivisions long The number of subdivisions.
unitLabel string The unit label.
unitLabelGap double The unit label gap. Units set in points.
unitLabelPosition enumeration ScaleBarLabelPosition The unit label position.
unitLabelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The unit label symbol.
units Unit The units for the scale bar.
useFractionCharacters boolean A value indicating whether fractional characters should be used.
zeroPoint Point The zero location for the scale bar.
computeAtCenter boolean A value indicating whether to compute the scale at map center.
displayFirstOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the first numeric value outside the bar.
displayLastOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the last numeric value outside the bar.


Property Type Description
divisionMarkHeight double The division mark height value.
divisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The division mark line symbol.
markFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The division mark frequency.
markPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The division mark position.
subdivisionMarkHeight double The subdivision mark height.
subdivisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The subdivision mark line symbol.
midpointMarkHeight double The midpoint mark height.
midpointMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The midpoint mark line symbol.


Property Type Description
fillSymbol1 CIMSymbolReference The first symbol of an alternating scale bar.
fillSymbol2 CIMSymbolReference The second symbol of an alternating scale bar.
style enumeration DoubleFillScaleBarStyle The style for the scale bar.

Enumeration: DoubleFillScaleBarStyle

A list of the styles available for a double file scale bar.

Property Value Description
Hollow 0 Hollow fill.
Alternating 1 Alternating fill.
DoubleAlternating 2 Double alternating fill.

Enumeration: EndPointPosition

Enumerates which end a component is visible.

Property Value Description
None 0 No end point is selected
FromPoint 1 From point.
ToPoint 2 To point.

Enumeration: EndPointSelection

Represents the selection of endPoints.

Property Value Description
First 1 First point selection.
Interior 2 Interior point selection.
Last 4 Last point selection.

Enumeration: ExtentFitType

Extent fit types.

Property Value Description
BestFit 0 Best fit.
ExtentCenter 1 Center the extent.
DataDriven 2 Data driven.


Represents an extent indicator which is used to display the visible extent of other map frames in an associated map frame.


Property Type Description
sourceMapFrame string The source map frame's extent to be displayed.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The area symbol used to represent the extent indicator.
leaderType enumeration LeaderType The leader style used to connect the associated extents.
leaderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The leader symbol used to connect the associated extents.
collapseSize double The minimum size of the extent indicator before symbolizing it as a point. Units in points.
pointSymbol CIMSymbolReference The point symbol used to symbolize an extent indicator.
name string The name of the extent indicator.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the extent indicator is visible.
avoidLabelConflict boolean A value indicating whether to avoid label conflict. Reserved for future implementation.
symbolizeExterior boolean A value indicating whether the area symbol should be applied outside the extent.
extentIndicatorType enumeration ExtentIndicatorType The extent indicator type. Reserved for future implementation at this time.

Enumeration: ExtentIndicatorType

Future implementation.

Property Value Description
Frame 0 Future implementation
Rectangle 1 Future implementation
IndexFeatureFromDDP 2 Future implementation


Class that represents an exterior tick for a grid.


Property Type Description
length double The length of the tick in page units.
offset double The offset of the tick in page units.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the tick is visible.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol for the tick.
gridEndpoint CIMGridEndpoint The end point for the tick.


Property Type Description
edgeAffinity [long] The collection of edges the ticks or the labels draw on. If the collection is empty, the drawing is made on the entire area of interest.
drawPerpendicular boolean A value indicating whether to the draw the ticks perpendicular to the map grid edges.

Enumeration: FieldSortInfo

Represents the sort information for a field.

Property Value Description
None 0 Field is not sorted.
Asc 1 The field is sorted by case insensitive ascending order.
AscCase 2 The field is sorted by case sensitive ascending order.
Desc 4 The field is sorted by case insensitive descending order.
DescCase 8 The field is sorted by case sensitive descending order.

Enumeration: FieldStatisticsFlag

Represents field statistics.

Property Value Description
NoStatistics 0 No statistics calculated.
Count 1 The count of all field values.
Minimum 2 The maximum field value.
Maximum 4 The minimum field value.
Range 8 The difference between the maximum and minimum field values.
Sum 16 The sum of all field values.
Mean 32 The average of all field values.
Median 64 The middle value of all field values.
Mode 128 The most common value of all field values.
StandardDeviation 256 The standard deviation of the field values.


Represents a UTM Grid Zone Designator Label definition for a MapGrid.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.


Property Type Description
dynamicStringTemplate string The dynamic string used to represent the GZD label of the map grid.
verticalTopPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The vertical position of the GZD label at the top of each UTM grid zone.
verticalCenterPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The vertical position of the GZD label at the center of each UTM grid zone.
verticalBottomPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The vertical position of the GZD label at the bottom of each UTM grid zone.
horizontalLeftPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The horizontal position of the GZD label at the left of each UTM grid zone.
horizontalCenterPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The horizontal position of the GZD label at the center of each UTM grid zone.
horizontalRightPosition CIMGridZoneLabelPosition The horizontal position of the GZD label at the right of each UTM grid zone.


Represents the CIM representation of an element on a page layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
graphic Graphic The CIMGraphic for an element on a page layout.


Represents a graticule for a map frame.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the Grid or Graticule.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the grid or graticule is visible.
neatlineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The neat line symbol of the Grid or Graticule.
maxInteriorAngle double The maximum value of the interior angle that determines the edge of the mapFrame polygon. The angle is defined in degrees.
edgeMinimumLength double The minimum length of the edge of the mapFrame polygon in page units.
mapGridEdges [CIMMapGridEdge] The map grid edges.


Property Type Description
customOrigin Point The custom origin of a graticule.
geographicCoordinateSystem GeographicCoordinateSystem The spatial reference of a graticule.
gridLines [CIMGridLine] The collection of latitudes and longitudes for a graticule.
isAutoScaled boolean A value indicating whether to automatically adjust the interval of the graticules based on scale of the map.
useMapClipShape boolean A value indicating whether to use the clip shape of the map (if set) as the grid boundary.

Enumeration: GridElementType

The type of component of the grid.

Property Value Description
Line 0 Represents lines.
Tick 1 Represents ticks.
Label 2 Represents labels.
Corner 3 Represents the corner label.
IntersectionPoint 4 Represents a grid component used to show intersection points on a map grid.


Represents an end point of a component. For ex: The labels for ticks are defined using an endPoint object.


Property Type Description
gridLabelTemplate GridLabelTemplate The grid label template for each endpoint.
offset double The offset of the labels.
position long The position of the labels of the end points.
lineSelection long The end point selection.
drawLabelsParallel boolean A value indicating whether to draw the labels parallel to the map grid edges.

Enumeration: GridLadderLabelPosition

Represents the position at which the ladder labels are drawn.

Property Value Description
Half 0 Represents the ladder label at half the value of visible extent.
Third 1 Represents the ladder label at third of the value of visible extent.
Quarter 2 Represents the ladder label at quarter the value of visible extent.


Represents latitudes or longitudes for a graticule. Represents eastings or nothings for a grid.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.

Enumeration: GridLineOrientation

Represents the orientation of the grid line.

Property Value Description
NorthSouth 0 North-South
EastWest 1 East-West


Defines pattern for a component.


Property Type Description
interval double The interval of the component the pattern represents.
start double The start pattern of the component.
stop double The stop pattern of the component.
gap double The gap pattern of the component.


Represents the state of a label at a given position on a MapGrid.


Property Type Description
visible boolean A value indicating whether the label at this position is visible.
offsetX double The offset in the X-Coordinate direction between the label and grid components.
offsetY double The offset in the Y-Coordinate direction between the label and grid components.


Represents a collection of layout elements in a group element.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Represents a group footer section in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
field string The grouping field for the section.


Represents a group header section in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
field string The grouping field for the section.
repeatOnEveryPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should be displayed on every page.


Represents a guide used to snap elements on a page layout.


Property Type Description
position double The position of the guide.
orientation enumeration Orientation The horizontal or vertical orientation of the guide.


Represents a horizontal bar legend item.


Property Type Description
name string The legend item name.
newColumn boolean A value indicating whether a legend item should be placed in a new column.
layerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item symbol.
columns long The number of columns for a legend item.
keepTogether boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be kept together.
showLayerName boolean A value indicating whether the legend item layer name should be displayed.
showHeading boolean A value indicating whether the legend item heading should be displayed.
headingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item heading symbol.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the legend item labels should be displayed.
layer string The legend item layer's path.
showDescription boolean A value indicating whether a legend item description should be displayed.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item label symbol.
descriptionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item description symbol.
patchWidth double The legend item patch width. Units in points.
patchHeight double The legend item patch height. Units in points.
autoVisibility boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be displayed if in the visible extent.
useMapSeriesShape boolean A value indicating whether to use map series shape instead of map frame to find dynamic classes.
classIndent double Distance from the class name to the edge of the legend.
headingIndent double Distance from the heading to the edge of the legend.
layerNameIndent double Distance of the layer name to the edge of the legend.
showGroupLayerName boolean A value indicating whether to show the containing group layer name above the item.
groupLayerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used to display the group layer name.
scaleToPatch boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbol to the specified patch size.
showCounts boolean A value indicating whether the legend should display count statistics.
countFormat NumberFormat The feature count format.
countPrefix string The feature count prefix.
countSuffix string The feature count suffix.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the legend item is visible.


Property Type Description
angleAbove double The angle above. Reserved for future implementation.
angleBelow double The angle below. Reserved for future implementation.


Property Type Description
arrangement enumeration LegendItemArrangement The arrangement.


Represents a horizontal legend item.


Property Type Description
name string The legend item name.
newColumn boolean A value indicating whether a legend item should be placed in a new column.
layerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item symbol.
columns long The number of columns for a legend item.
keepTogether boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be kept together.
showLayerName boolean A value indicating whether the legend item layer name should be displayed.
showHeading boolean A value indicating whether the legend item heading should be displayed.
headingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item heading symbol.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the legend item labels should be displayed.
layer string The legend item layer's path.
showDescription boolean A value indicating whether a legend item description should be displayed.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item label symbol.
descriptionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item description symbol.
patchWidth double The legend item patch width. Units in points.
patchHeight double The legend item patch height. Units in points.
autoVisibility boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be displayed if in the visible extent.
useMapSeriesShape boolean A value indicating whether to use map series shape instead of map frame to find dynamic classes.
classIndent double Distance from the class name to the edge of the legend.
headingIndent double Distance from the heading to the edge of the legend.
layerNameIndent double Distance of the layer name to the edge of the legend.
showGroupLayerName boolean A value indicating whether to show the containing group layer name above the item.
groupLayerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used to display the group layer name.
scaleToPatch boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbol to the specified patch size.
showCounts boolean A value indicating whether the legend should display count statistics.
countFormat NumberFormat The feature count format.
countPrefix string The feature count prefix.
countSuffix string The feature count suffix.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the legend item is visible.


Property Type Description
arrangement enumeration LegendItemArrangement The arrangement.


Class that represents an interior tick for a grid.


Property Type Description
length double The length of the tick in page units.
offset double The offset of the tick in page units.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the tick is visible.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol for the tick.
gridEndpoint CIMGridEndpoint The end point for the tick.


Property Type Description
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern for the interior ticks.
indicateDirection boolean A value indicating whether the ticks show the direction away from the origin. If false, the ticks bisect the center of the grid line.


Represents internal labels for a MapGrid.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.


Property Type Description
dynamicStringTemplate string The dynamic string used to represent the ladder label of the map grid.
gapX double The gap in the X-Coordinate direction between the label extent and grid components.
gapY double The gap in the Y-Coordinate direction between the label extent and grid components.
position enumeration GridLadderLabelPosition The position of the ladder labels.


Represents a layout in a project. A layout is a collection of visual elements arranged on a logical sheet of paper. A layout in a GIS is typically used to display one or more maps at a particular extent and scale. The layout is used to compose a presentation of data, describe the maps, and/or tell a story of the map data. A layout defines a logical sheet of paper. It has a height and a width, and also a linear unit used to display positions on the page. It can have a snapping grid and a set of guides to help users arrange its elements. The layout contains an ordered list of elements. When the layout draws, it tells each element to draw, in order.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
page CIMPage The CIMPage for the layout.
dateExported TimeInstant The date exported property for a layout.
datePrinted TimeInstant The date printed property for a layout.
mapSeries MapSeries The map series for a layout.
colorModel enumeration ColorModel The color model for a layout.
RGBColorProfile string The name of the RGB color profile for a layout.
CMYKColorProfile string The name of the CMYK color profile for a layout.
simulateOverprint boolean A value indicating whether to simulate overprint for a layout.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layout. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.


Represents a layout view in the project.


Property Type Description
viewXML string The view properties as XML.
viewableObjectPath string The path of the item in the view.
viewType string The view type as a string.
instanceID long The instance identifier of this view.


Property Type Description
extent Envelope The extent for the view.
defaultMapFrameName string The default map for a view.
pauseDrawing boolean A value indicating whether drawing is in the paused state for the view.

Enumeration: LeaderType

A list of leader types for extent indicators.

Property Value Description
None 0 No leader line.
LineToNearestPoint 1 Shortest line
LineToMidpoint 2 Line to mid-point of the frame.
LineThroughCenters 3 Line from center to center of each extent.
CalloutToCenter 4 Callout to center.
CalloutToEdge 5 Callout to edge.
CalloutToEdges 6 Callout to edges.


Represents a legend on a layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
autoAdd boolean A value indicating whether items should automatically be added to the legend.
autoFonts boolean A value indicating whether legend fonts should automatically be sized.
autoReorder boolean A value indicating whether the items should automatically be ordered when added.
autoVisibility boolean A value indicating whether the items should display when not in the visible extent.
defaultPatchHeight double An items default patch height. Units in points.
defaultPatchWidth double An items default patch width. Units in points.
descriptionWidth double The description width threshold. Units in points.
groupGap double The gap between groups. Units in points.
headingGap double The heading gap. Units in points.
horizontalItemGap double The gap between horizontal items. Units in points.
horizontalPatchGap double The horizontal gap between patches. Units in points.
items [CIMLegendItem] A collection of items in a layout.
labelWidth double The label width. Units in points.
minFontSize double The minimum font size. Units in points.
rightToLeft boolean A value indicating whether right to left orientation should be applied.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether symbols should be scaled.
showTitle boolean A value indicating whether the legend title should be displayed.
textGap double The gap between text. Units in points.
title string The title for the legend.
titleGap double The title gap. Units in points.
titleSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol for the title.
verticalItemGap double The vertical gap between items. Units in points,.
verticalPatchGap double The vertical gap between patches. Units in points.
layerNameGap double The layer name gap. Units in points.
featureCountPrefix string The feature count prefix. Deprecated in 1.4. Use count prefix in legend item instead.
featureCountSuffix string The feature count suffix. Deprecated in 1.4. Use count suffix in legend item instead.
fittingStrategy enumeration LegendFittingStrategy The legends fitting strategy.
groupLayerNameGap double The gap following the group layer name.
columns long The number of legend columns when either of the following fitting strategies is in effect: SpecifyColumnsAndAdjustFrame or SpecifyColumnsAndAdjustSize.
makeColumnsSameWidth boolean A value indicating whether to ensure all the columns are the same width.
defaultLegendItem LegendItem The default legend item used as the basis for new legend item creation.
excludedLayers [string] A collection of layer URIs from the associated map that are explicitly excluded from the legend.

Enumeration: LegendFittingStrategy

A list of legend fitting strategies.

Property Value Description
AdjustSize 0 Adjust the size of the text.
AdjustColumns 1 Adjust the number of columns within the frame.
AdjustColumnsAndSize 2 Adjust the number of columns and size of the text.
AdjustFrame 3 Adjust the size of the legend frame.
ManualColumns 4 Adjust the columns manually.

Enumeration: LegendItemArrangement

A list of legend item arrangement options.

Property Value Description
PatchLabelDescription 0 Display patch, label, then description.
PatchDescriptionLabel 1 display patch, description, then label.
LabelPatchDescription 2 Display label, patch, then description.
LabelDescriptionPatch 3 Display label, description, then patch.
DescriptionPatchLabel 4 Display description, patch, then label.
DescriptionLabelPatch 5 Display description, label, then patch.


Represents a gridLine to draw the 100,000 MGRS grids.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the grid line.
elementType enumeration GridElementType The type of the graticule element.
gridLineOrientation enumeration GridLineOrientation The orientation of the gridLine with reference to the coordinate system of the spatial reference. For graticules it is latitudes and longitudes. For grids it is eastings and northings.
symbol CIMSymbolReference Symbol of the grid line.
pattern CIMGridPattern The pattern of the grid lines.
fromTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the start of the grid line it represents.
toTick CIMExteriorTick The properties of the tick that is at the end of the grid line it represents.
interiorTicks [CIMInteriorTick] The properties of the interior ticks for a grid line.
visibleIndices [long] The visibility of the corner labels to edges by index.


Property Type Description
XOffset double The offset in the x-coordinate direction for the grid label.
YOffset double The offset in the y-coordinate direction for the grid label.
labelPosition enumeration MGRSLabelPosition The position of the label in the 100,000m grid square.

Enumeration: MGRSLabelPosition

Represents the position of the MGRS label in the 100,000m grid square.

Property Value Description
Corner 1 Represents the corner position of the label in the 100,000m grid square.
Center 2 Represents the center position of the label in the 100,000m grid square.


Represents a map frame on a page layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
autoCamera CIMAutoCamera The camera associated with the map frame.
URI string The path to the map frame in the project.
view CIMMapView The view associated with the map frame.
extentIndicators [CIMExtentIndicator] The extent indicators associated with the map frame.
grids [CIMMapGrid] The Grids and Graticules associated with the MapFrame.


Represents a map grid edge.


Property Type Description
partIndex long The part index of the map grid edge.
segmentIndices [long] The segment indices of the segments making up the edge.

Enumeration: MapProductSpecType

Defines the layout types that meet different map product specifications.

Property Value Description
TLM 0 Topographic Line Map, a.k.a. Topographic Map
ICM 1 Image City Map
JOG 2 Joint Operation Graphics
USTOPO 3 United States Topographic Maps


Represents a margin to apply around the page.


Property Type Description
left double The left margin.
right double The right margin.
top double The top margin.
bottom double The bottom margin.


Represents a marker north arrow on a page layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
referenceLocation Point The reference location for a north arrow.
calibrationAngle double The calibration angle for a north arrow.


Property Type Description
pointSymbol CIMSymbolReference The point symbol for a north arrow.
northType enumeration NorthType The type of north arrow.


Represents a measured grid of the mapFrame.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the Grid or Graticule.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the grid or graticule is visible.
neatlineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The neat line symbol of the Grid or Graticule.
maxInteriorAngle double The maximum value of the interior angle that determines the edge of the mapFrame polygon. The angle is defined in degrees.
edgeMinimumLength double The minimum length of the edge of the mapFrame polygon in page units.
mapGridEdges [CIMMapGridEdge] The map grid edges.


Property Type Description
customOrigin Point The custom origin of the measured grid.
projectedCoordinateSystem ProjectedCoordinateSystem The projected coordinate system of the grid.
gridLines [CIMGridLine] The gridLines of the measured grid.
isAutoScaled boolean A value indicating whether to auto-scale the grid.
clipUTMZone boolean A value indicating whether to clip the grid to the UTM zone. If the measured grid is not defined in one of the UTM coordinates, then this property is irrelevant.
useMapClipShape boolean A value indicating whether to use the clip shape of the map (if set) as the grid boundary.


Provides a set of instructions and examples that enable users to compose standard grid reference.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
autoUpdate boolean A value indicating whether the properties of this element should update automatically based on the changes in the map.
specificationType enumeration MeterReferenceSpecType The layout of the element components for the target map product.
gridSquareType enumeration MeterReferenceSquareType The type of the 100,000-Square identification area.
isSingleGridZone boolean A value indicating whether the grid zone is using single (true) or multiple (false) designators.
properties CIMMeterReferenceProperties The display properties of the meter reference guide.
textSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for the text elements in the meter reference guide.
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for the grid lines in the meter reference guide.
productSpecification enumeration MapProductSpecType The map product specification type of meter reference guide.


Defines the display properties of the meter reference guide.


Property Type Description
gridSquareUpperLeft string The text displayed in the upper left corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareUpperRight string The text displayed in the upper right corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareLowerLeft string The text displayed in the lower left corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareLowerRight string The text displayed in the lower right corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareUpperLeftDual string The auxiliary text displayed in the upper left corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareUpperRightDual string The auxiliary text displayed in the upper left corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareLowerLeftDual string The auxiliary text displayed in the lower left corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareLowerRightDual string The auxiliary text displayed in the lower right corner of the square identification area.
gridSquareVerticalSeparator long The vertical separator value of the square identification area.
gridSquareHorizontalSeparator long The horizontal separator value of the square identification area.
gridSquareHorizontalSeparatorDual long The horizontal auxiliary separator value of the square identification area.
gridZoneUpperLeft string The text displayed in the upper left corner of the grid zone designation area.
gridZoneUpperRight string The text displayed in the upper right corner of the grid zone designation area.
gridZoneLowerLeft string The text displayed in the lower left corner of the grid zone designation area.
gridZoneLowerRight string The text displayed in the lower right corner of the grid zone designation area.
gridZoneLatitude long The latitude of the grid zone.
gridZoneLongitude long The longitude of the grid zone.

Enumeration: MeterReferenceSpecType

Defines the layout types that meet different map product specifications.

Property Value Description
TLM 0 Topographic Line Map
ICM 1 Image City Map
JOG 2 Joint Operation Graphics

Enumeration: MeterReferenceSquareType

Defines options for 100,000-Square identification area.

Property Value Description
Single 0 Single location identifier
Multiple 1 Multiple location identifiers for additional information
DualGrid 2 Enables location identifiers across multiple UTM zones.


Represents a nested legend item in a legend.


Property Type Description
name string The legend item name.
newColumn boolean A value indicating whether a legend item should be placed in a new column.
layerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item symbol.
columns long The number of columns for a legend item.
keepTogether boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be kept together.
showLayerName boolean A value indicating whether the legend item layer name should be displayed.
showHeading boolean A value indicating whether the legend item heading should be displayed.
headingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item heading symbol.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the legend item labels should be displayed.
layer string The legend item layer's path.
showDescription boolean A value indicating whether a legend item description should be displayed.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item label symbol.
descriptionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item description symbol.
patchWidth double The legend item patch width. Units in points.
patchHeight double The legend item patch height. Units in points.
autoVisibility boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be displayed if in the visible extent.
useMapSeriesShape boolean A value indicating whether to use map series shape instead of map frame to find dynamic classes.
classIndent double Distance from the class name to the edge of the legend.
headingIndent double Distance from the heading to the edge of the legend.
layerNameIndent double Distance of the layer name to the edge of the legend.
showGroupLayerName boolean A value indicating whether to show the containing group layer name above the item.
groupLayerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used to display the group layer name.
scaleToPatch boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbol to the specified patch size.
showCounts boolean A value indicating whether the legend should display count statistics.
countFormat NumberFormat The feature count format.
countPrefix string The feature count prefix.
countSuffix string The feature count suffix.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the legend item is visible.


Property Type Description
arrangement enumeration LegendItemArrangement The arrangement.


Property Type Description
autoLayout boolean A value indicating whether to automatically layout the legend item.
labelEnds boolean A value indicating whether the ends of a nested legend item should be labeled.
leaderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The leader symbol.
outlineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The outline symbol for the nested legend item.
leaderOverhang double The leader overhang value for a nested legend item.
showOutlines boolean A value indicating whether outlines should be displayed for a nested legend item.
textHorizontalAlignment enumeration HorizontalAlignment The horizontal text alignment for a nested legend item.

Enumeration: NorthType

A list of north arrows types.

Property Value Description
SimpleNorth 0 Simple north arrow.
TrueNorth 1 True north arrow.
GridNorth 2 Grid north arrow.
MagneticNorth 3 Magnetic north arrow.

Enumeration: Orientation

A list of orientation values.

Property Value Description
Horizontal 0 Horizontal.
Vertical 1 Vertical.


Represents the page information associated with a layout.


Property Type Description
height double The height of the layout in page units.
stretchElements boolean A value indicating whether elements should be stretched when the page size is changed.
width double The width of the layout in page units.
printerPreferences CIMPrinterPreferences The printer preferences for the page.
units LinearUnit The page units for the layout.
guides [CIMGuide] The guides on a layout.
showRulers boolean A value indicating whether rulers should be displayed on the layout.
showGuides boolean A value indicating whether guides should be displayed on the layout.
smallestRulerDivision double The smallest ruler division.
margin CIMMargin The margin for the page.
showMargin boolean A value indicating whether the printer margin should be displayed on the layout.

Enumeration: PageOrientation

A list of page orientation values.

Property Value Description
Portrait 0 Portrait orientation.
Landscape 1 Landscape orientation.


Represents the printer preferences associated with a layout.


Property Type Description
printerName string The printer name.
paperName string The paper size name.
paperSource long The paper source.


Layout element used to draw Profile view of Runway, Terrain, obstacles and Obstruction Identification Surfaces (OIS).


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
heightOption enumeration ProfileFrameHeightOption The option to control the height of profile.
height double The height of the profile, used if the height option is set to ConstantHeight.
heightUnits LinearUnit The height units of the profile, used if the height option is set to ConstantHeight.
ratio double The ratio between width and height scale.
runwayDesignator string The runway designator for which profile is created.
primaryOISDescription string The primary OIS surface for which profile is created.
secondaryOISDescription string The secondary OIS description for cases where different classifications were used for the ends of runway user can choose secondary classification.
OISLayerURI string The URI of the layer of the OIS feature which defines the data for which profile is drawn.
grid CIMProfileGrid The display options for the grid.
terrain CIMProfileTerrain Display options for terrain.
runway CIMProfileRunway The text symbol for runway elevation.
OISSurfaces [CIMProfileOIS] The display option for all the OIS surfaces shown in the profile.
obstacles [CIMProfileObstacle] The display option for all the point obstacles shown in the profile.
profileType enumeration ProfileFrameType The option for profile type.
profileStyle enumeration ProfileFrameStyle The style of the profile frame.
runwayEndLeftAsReference boolean A value indicating whether to use left end of runway as base elevation.

Enumeration: ProfileFrameHeightOption

Options for controlling the height of the profile element.

Property Value Description
ConstantHeight 0 Adjust the cell height based on the overall height of element
ConstantRatio 1 Keeps a constant ratio between width to height of each cell

Enumeration: ProfileFrameStyle

Available styles for profile frames.

Property Value Description
AOC 0 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart style.
PATC 1 Precision Approach Terrain Chart style.

Enumeration: ProfileFrameType

Options to specify if profile is displaying straight or curved approach.

Property Value Description
Straight 0 Default option for straight approach profile
Curved 1 option for a curved approach profile


Grid shown for the profile.


Property Type Description
horizontalScale double The horizontal scale for the profile.
horizontalScaleUnits LinearUnit The horizontal scale units for the profile.
verticalScale double The vertical scale for the profile.
verticalScaleUnits LinearUnit The vertical scale units for the profile.
autoGridExtent boolean A value indicating whether to calculate the start and stop of grid automatically If set to false user will set the minimum and maximum based on requirements.
YMin double The vertical scale minimum value.
YMax double The vertical scale maximum value.
subDivisionsX long The number of subdivisions in horizontal direction.
subDivisionsY long The number of divisions in vertical direction.
gridSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line Symbol for the major grid lines.
subDivisionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol for the subdivision.
horizontalScaleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol for the horizontal scale.
verticalScaleLeftTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol for the vertical scale left.
verticalScaleRightTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol for the vertical scale right.
showEntireApproach boolean A value indicating whether to show the entire length of curved approach, or just show up to a particular distance.
XMax double The horizontal length maximum value.
verticalIntervalInMeters long The vertical interval for scale in meters.
verticalIntervalInFeet long The vertical interval for scale in feet.


Defines the properties for OIS features.


Property Type Description
OISDescription string The description of OIS surface read only.
OISLabel string The label to be displayed for OIS.
showOIS boolean A value indicating whether to show OIS surface.
isPrimary boolean A value indicating whether the surface is primary. If surface is primary it can't be hidden and terrain and obstacles will be drawn based on the primary surface.
displayOrder long The zero based index to control the display order.
OISSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line Symbol used to draw the OIS Surface.
OISTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol used to draw the label of OIS Surface.


Represents common properties for all the obstacles.


Property Type Description
showPenetrating boolean A value indicating whether to the obstacle only if it penetrates OIS Surface.
obstacleLayerName string The name connecting display options to obstacle layers coming from Obstacle JSON (read only).
symbolSubstitutionType enumeration ProfileObstacleSymbolSubstitutionType The type of substitution applied to the obstacle symbol.

Enumeration: ProfileObstacleGroundDisplayOption

Options for displaying the base of polygon/polyline obstacles.

Property Value Description
Actual 0 Show the actual ground elevation of each vertex
Max 1 Show the maximum ground elevation for all the vertices
Min 2 Show the minimum ground elevation for all the vertices
Average 3 Show the average ground elevation for all the vertices

Enumeration: ProfileObstacleMarkerLocation

Marker display location options.

Property Value Description
Surface 0 Show marker at the OIS surface
Top 1 Show marker at the top of obstacle
Base 2 Show marker at the base of obstacle

Enumeration: ProfileObstacleSymbolSubstitutionType

Types of symbol substitution used to display obstacles.

Property Value Description
None 0 No substitute symbols used to display obstacles
Penetrating 1 Penetrating obstacles are displayed with substitute symbols
Protruding 2 Protruding portion of penetrating obstacles is displayed with substitute symbols


Defines the properties for a Point obstacle.


Property Type Description
showPenetrating boolean A value indicating whether to the obstacle only if it penetrates OIS Surface.
obstacleLayerName string The name connecting display options to obstacle layers coming from Obstacle JSON (read only).
symbolSubstitutionType enumeration ProfileObstacleSymbolSubstitutionType The type of substitution applied to the obstacle symbol.


Property Type Description
markerLocation enumeration ProfileObstacleMarkerLocation The location of marker symbol for obstacle.
obstacleBaseSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol to connect from base of the grid to base of the obstacle.
obstacleHeightSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol to display the height of the obstacle (base to top of obstacle).
obstacleMarkerSymbol CIMSymbolReference The point symbol displayed based in the marker location.
obstacleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol to display the number of obstacle at the marker location.
showOnlyShadowingObstacles boolean A value indicating whether only shadowing obstacles are displayed.
substituteObstacleBaseSymbol CIMSymbolReference The substitute base symbol.
substituteObstacleHeightSymbol CIMSymbolReference The substitute height symbol.
substituteObstacleMarkerSymbol CIMSymbolReference The substitute marker symbol.
substituteObstacleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The substitute text symbol.


Represents a profile poly obstacle.


Property Type Description
showPenetrating boolean A value indicating whether to the obstacle only if it penetrates OIS Surface.
obstacleLayerName string The name connecting display options to obstacle layers coming from Obstacle JSON (read only).
symbolSubstitutionType enumeration ProfileObstacleSymbolSubstitutionType The type of substitution applied to the obstacle symbol.


Property Type Description
groundDisplayOption enumeration ProfileObstacleGroundDisplayOption The option to display how the base of obstacle is shown.
obstacleSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used to draw the obstacle.
substituteObstacleSymbol CIMSymbolReference The substitute obstacle symbol.


Display properties for Runway.


Property Type Description
precision long The number of decimal places for runway elevation.
elevationChangeThreshold double The percentage change between two elevation values when we can show the text symbol. Range is calculated by maximum and minimum elevation of the runway.
runwayLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The display symbol for runway.
runwayTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The text symbol for runway elevation.


Display properties for Terrain.


Property Type Description
showOutline boolean A value indicating whether to show only the outline of terrain.
maxTerrain CIMProfileTerrainDisplay The display settings for maximum elevation of terrain.
minTerrain CIMProfileTerrainDisplay The display settings for minimum elevation of terrain.
centerLineTerrain CIMProfileTerrainDisplay The display settings for CenterLine elevation of terrain.


Settings to control how the terrain information is being displayed in the profile.


Property Type Description
displayOption enumeration ProfileTerrainDisplayOption The display option for terrain.
terrainSymbol CIMSymbolReference The display Symbol for the entire terrain or terrain below OIS surface.
penetratingTerrainSymbol CIMSymbolReference The display Symbol for the penetrating terrain or terrain above OIS surface.

Enumeration: ProfileTerrainDisplayOption

Options to control how terrain data is displayed.

Property Value Description
All 0 Show the entire terrain using single symbol
PenetratingOnly 1 Show only the terrain that is above the OIS surface
Highlight 2 Use two different symbols to display the terrain above and below the OIS surface
None 3 Terrain is not displayed

Enumeration: RectanglePosition

A list of rectangle position values.

Property Value Description
TopSide 0 Top side.
BottomSide 1 Bottom side.
LeftSide 2 Left side.
RightSide 3 Right side.


Defines a reference grid.


Property Type Description
name string The name of the Grid or Graticule.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the grid or graticule is visible.
neatlineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The neat line symbol of the Grid or Graticule.
maxInteriorAngle double The maximum value of the interior angle that determines the edge of the mapFrame polygon. The angle is defined in degrees.
edgeMinimumLength double The minimum length of the edge of the mapFrame polygon in page units.
mapGridEdges [CIMMapGridEdge] The map grid edges.


Property Type Description
isAutoScaled boolean A value indicating whether to auto-adjust the grid according to the size of the map frame.
rowCount long The number of rows for the reference grids.
columnCount long The number of columns for the reference grids.
gridLines [CIMGridLine] The collection of the grid lines.


Defines the label template for the reference grids.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
name string The name of the label scheme.
values [string] The list of values to label the grid.
delimiter string The delimiter for the list of labels.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol of the label.


Represents a Related Report section of a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
dataSource CIMReportDataSource The data source for a Related Report.
relateName string The relate or relationship class name.


Represents a report in a project.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
page CIMPage The CIMPage for the layout.
dateExported TimeInstant The date exported property for a layout.
datePrinted TimeInstant The date printed property for a layout.
mapSeries MapSeries The map series for a layout.
colorModel enumeration ColorModel The color model for a layout.
RGBColorProfile string The name of the RGB color profile for a layout.
CMYKColorProfile string The name of the CMYK color profile for a layout.
simulateOverprint boolean A value indicating whether to simulate overprint for a layout.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layout. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
height double The Height of the report.
startPage long The starting page for the report.
watermarks [CIMReportWatermark] A collection of watermark for the report.


Represents the data source properties of a report. The data source can be a map member or external data.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection to the source.
definitionQuery string The definition query.
fields [CIMReportField] The fields used by the report.
mapMemberURI string The URI to a Layer or Standalone table in the project.
useSelectionSet boolean A value indicating whether the selection of the layer or table should be used for the report.


Represents a details section of a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
columns long The number of columns for the details section.
rowBackgroundColors [CIMColor] The collection of background colors for each of the repeating rows.
rowBackgroundCount long The number of consecutive rows for each background color.


Represents a report document which is the document type used for saving .rlfx files.


Property Type Description
version string Document version. Set by the system.
build long The build an item was created with. Set by the system.


Property Type Description
binaryReferences [CIMBinaryReference] The binary references of the document.
layerDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The layer definitions in the report document.
mapDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The map definitions of the report document.
reportDefinition CIMReport The report definition of the report document.
tableDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The table definitions of the report document.
layoutDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The layout definitions referenced by supplemental pages of the report document.
linkChartDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The link chart definitions of the report document.
timelineDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The timeline definitions of the report document.
videoDefinitions [CIMDefinition] The video definitions of the report document.


Represents field properties that will be applied to an element in a report.


Property Type Description
element string The name of the target element.
field string The name of the source field.
format NumberFormat The format for the source field value.
statistic enumeration FieldStatisticsFlag The statistic to apply to the source field.


Represents a field in a report.


Property Type Description
name string The field name and unique identifier.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the field is visible.
width double The width of field. A value of 0 indicates "auto size".
sortInfo enumeration FieldSortInfo The options when this field is used for sorting.
sortOrder long The zero based sort order. -1 indicates field isn't used for sorting.
fieldOrder long The zero based display order.
group boolean A value indicating whether this is a grouping field.


Property Type Description


Represents a report footer in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description


Represents a report header section in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
coverPage boolean A value indicating whether the report header is a cover page.


Represents a layout supplemental page section of a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
includePageNumber boolean A value indicating whether to include page number elements.


Property Type Description
layoutURI string The layout URI.


Represents a page footer in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description


Represents a page header section in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description


Represents a supplemental page section of a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
includePageNumber boolean A value indicating whether to include page number elements.


Gets or sets the data source for a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Property Type Description
dataSource CIMReportDataSource The data source for a report.


Represents a section of elements in a report.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
elements [CIMElement] A collection of elements.


Property Type Description
autoSize boolean A value indicating whether the section height will grow and shrink to fit the content of the section.
elementFieldProperties [CIMReportElementFieldProperties] The field properties that will be applied to the elements.
excludePageNumberPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the page number from.
excludeSectionPages string The comma delimited list of pages to exclude the section from.
startOnNewPage boolean A value indicating whether the section should start on a new page.


Represents a watermark in a report.


Property Type Description
element Element The element for the watermark.
excludePageNumbers string The comma delimited list of excluded page numbers.
isBackground boolean A value indicating whether the overlay draws in the background of the report, else it draws on the foreground.

Enumeration: ScaleBarFittingStrategy

A list of scale bar fitting strategies.

Property Value Description
AdjustDivision 0 Adjust the division value.
AdjustDivisions 1 Adjust the number of divisions.
AdjustDivisionAndDivisions 2 Adjust the division value and number of divisions.
AdjustFrame 3 Adjust the size of the scale bar frame.
FixedWidth 4 Preserve the width of the scale bar in page units.
FixedHeight 5 Preserve the total distance shown in the scale bar.

Enumeration: ScaleBarFrequency

Lists the options for the frequency marks appear on the scale bar.

Property Value Description
None 0 None.
One 1 One.
MajorDivisions 2 Major divisions.
Divisions 3 Divisions.
DivisionsAndFirstMidpoint 4 Divisions and first mid point.
DivisionsAndFirstSubdivisions 5 Divisions and first subdivisions.
DivisionsAndSubdivisions 6 Divisions and subdivisions.
DivisionsFirstSubdivisionFirstMidpoint 7 Divisions first subdivision and first midpoint.

Enumeration: ScaleBarLabelPosition

Lists the options for scale bar label positions.

Property Value Description
Above 0 Above the scale bar.
BeforeLabels 1 Before the labels.
AfterLabels 2 After labels.
BeforeBar 3 Before the scale bar.
AfterBar 4 After the scale bar.
Below 5 Below the scale bar.
AboveLeft 6 Above the scale bar and to the left.
AboveRight 7 Above the scale bar and to the right.
AboveEnds 8 Above the ends of the scale bar.
BeforeAndAfterLabels 9 Before and after labels.
BeforeAndAfterBar 10 Before and after the scale bar.
BelowLeft 11 Below the scale bar and to the left.
BelowRight 12 Below the scale bar and to the right.
BelowEnds 13 Below the scale bar and on the ends.
OnBarAfterFirstDivision 14 On the scale bar after the first division.

Enumeration: ScaleBarVerticalPosition

A list of scale bar vertical positions.

Property Value Description
Above 0 Above.
Top 1 Top.
On 2 On.
Bottom 3 Bottom.
Below 4 Below.
OnRight 5 On right.
OnLeft 6 On left.


Represents a Scale line on a page layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
alignToZeroPoint boolean A value indicating whether the scale bar should align to zero.
barHeight double The scale bar height.
division double The division value.
divisions long The number of divisions.
divisionsBeforeZero long The number of divisions before zero.
fittingStrategy enumeration ScaleBarFittingStrategy The fitting strategy.
labelFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The label frequency.
labelGap double The label gap value.
labelPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The label position.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference Label symbol.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
subdivisions long The number of subdivisions.
unitLabel string The unit label.
unitLabelGap double The unit label gap. Units set in points.
unitLabelPosition enumeration ScaleBarLabelPosition The unit label position.
unitLabelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The unit label symbol.
units Unit The units for the scale bar.
useFractionCharacters boolean A value indicating whether fractional characters should be used.
zeroPoint Point The zero location for the scale bar.
computeAtCenter boolean A value indicating whether to compute the scale at map center.
displayFirstOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the first numeric value outside the bar.
displayLastOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the last numeric value outside the bar.


Property Type Description
divisionMarkHeight double The division mark height value.
divisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The division mark line symbol.
markFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The division mark frequency.
markPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The division mark position.
subdivisionMarkHeight double The subdivision mark height.
subdivisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The subdivision mark line symbol.
midpointMarkHeight double The midpoint mark height.
midpointMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The midpoint mark line symbol.


Property Type Description
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The scale line symbol.
stepped boolean A value indicating whether the scale line should be stepped.


Represents a simple format for a label.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
dynamicStringTemplate string The dynamic text as a template for labels.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol for the text of labels.


Represents and single fill scale bar on a page layout.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
alignToZeroPoint boolean A value indicating whether the scale bar should align to zero.
barHeight double The scale bar height.
division double The division value.
divisions long The number of divisions.
divisionsBeforeZero long The number of divisions before zero.
fittingStrategy enumeration ScaleBarFittingStrategy The fitting strategy.
labelFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The label frequency.
labelGap double The label gap value.
labelPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The label position.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference Label symbol.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
subdivisions long The number of subdivisions.
unitLabel string The unit label.
unitLabelGap double The unit label gap. Units set in points.
unitLabelPosition enumeration ScaleBarLabelPosition The unit label position.
unitLabelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The unit label symbol.
units Unit The units for the scale bar.
useFractionCharacters boolean A value indicating whether fractional characters should be used.
zeroPoint Point The zero location for the scale bar.
computeAtCenter boolean A value indicating whether to compute the scale at map center.
displayFirstOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the first numeric value outside the bar.
displayLastOutside boolean A value indicating whether to display the last numeric value outside the bar.


Property Type Description
divisionMarkHeight double The division mark height value.
divisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The division mark line symbol.
markFrequency enumeration ScaleBarFrequency The division mark frequency.
markPosition enumeration ScaleBarVerticalPosition The division mark position.
subdivisionMarkHeight double The subdivision mark height.
subdivisionMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The subdivision mark line symbol.
midpointMarkHeight double The midpoint mark height.
midpointMarkSymbol CIMSymbolReference The midpoint mark line symbol.


Property Type Description
fillSymbol CIMSymbolReference The fill symbol for the scale bar.


A slope guide surround element which is used to ascertaining terrain slope graphically as a percentage and a gradient (degree).


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
autoUpdate boolean A value indicating whether the slope guide should update automatically based on changes in the map.
slopeGuideLayerURI string The layer used to calculate slope guide.
contourIntervalField string The name of the contour interval field.
mapScale long The map scale the slope guide will be based on.
contourInterval long The contour interval.
titleTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for title of element.
slopeUnitTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for text identifying slope as percentage or degree.
slopeTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for labeling slope values.
footnoteTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for footnote at bottom of slope guide.
verticalLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for vertical lines in slope guide.
horizontalLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for horizontal lines in slope guide.
tickLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for dashed lines in slope guide.


Spatial Map Series is a means to create a series of map pages based off of spatial features.


Property Type Description
enabled boolean A value indicating whether the map series is enabled on the layout.
mapFrameName string The URI of the MapFrame to which MapSeries is linked.
startingPageNumber long The starting page number.
currentPageID long The current page Id.


Property Type Description
indexLayerURI string The URI of the index layer.
nameField string The name of the specified page.
numberField string The number of the specified page.
categoryField string The category of the page.
rotationField string The page specific rotation.
sortField string The required field that specifies the field used to determine sort order.
scaleField string Field that specifies the page specific scale.
spatialReferenceField string The spatial reference of the page.
sortAscending boolean A value indicating whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
scaleRounding double The specified value to which the scale rounds to.
extentOptions enumeration ExtentFitType The extent fitting options.
marginType enumeration UnitType The type of margins.
marginUnits LinearUnit The units of the margin.
margin double The value of the margin.
clipMapToIndexFeature boolean A value indicating whether map clipping is synchronized with the current series index feature.


Represents TM Elevation Guide Bar surround element.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
updateDynamically boolean A value indicating whether properties are automatically updated dynamically with the associated data frame.
elevationBandLayerURI string Elevation bands feature class, the number of bands in the bar is dependent on the number of bands identified in feature class.
numberOfBands long The number of bands displayed in the Elevation Guide Bar, if data is from source that does not have Bands field.
textSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for text elements in the elevation guide bar.
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for line elements in the elevation guide bar.
highestBandSymbol CIMSymbolReference The highest band symbol in the elevation guide bar.
highBandSymbol CIMSymbolReference The high band symbol in the elevation guide bar.
mediumBandSymbol CIMSymbolReference The medium band symbol in the elevation guide bar.
lowBandSymbol CIMSymbolReference The low band symbol in the elevation guide bar.


Layout element used to display tabular data.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
fields [CIMTableFrameField] The fields displayed by the table frame.
mapMemberURI string The layer or standalone table that defines the data to display.
fillingStrategy enumeration TableFrameFillingStrategy The strategy used to query records.
fittingStrategy enumeration TableFrameFittingStrategy The strategy used to query records.
columns long The number of columns.
minFontSize double The limit when reducing font sizes. Values is in points.
verticalTextGap double The vertical gap around field values.
horizontalTextGap double The horizontal gap around field values.
headingGap double The gap between field names and rows.
rowGap double The gap between rows.
fieldGap double The gap between fields.
columnGap double The gap between table columns.
headingBackgroundSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field name/alias background symbol.
headingBorderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field name/alias border symbol.
headingLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field name/alias underline symbol.
columnBorderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The column border symbol.
alternate1RowBackgroundSymbol CIMSymbolReference The second alternating data record background symbol.
alternate1RowBackgroundCount long The alternate 1 row background count. Show even row background for this many rows before alternating.
alternate2RowBackgroundSymbol CIMSymbolReference The first alternating data record background symbol.
alternate2RowBackgroundCount long The alternate 2 row background count. Show odd row background for this many rows before alternating.
rowBorderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The border symbol for row sections: data records, summary statistics, and statistics totals.
customWhereClause string The custom where clause. Show rows that match custom where clause when FillingStrategy is set to esriCIMTableFrameFillingStrategy_CustomWhereClause.
defaultTableFrameField CIMTableFrameField The default table frame field used when creating new table frames.


Display properties for fields in a table frame.


Property Type Description
name string The field name and unique identifier.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the field is visible.
width double The width of field. A value of 0 indicates "auto size".
sortInfo enumeration FieldSortInfo The options when this field is used for sorting.
sortOrder long The zero based sort order. -1 indicates field isn't used for sorting.
fieldOrder long The zero based display order.
group boolean A value indicating whether this is a grouping field.


Property Type Description
enableWordWrapping boolean A value indicating whether to wrap field values that don't fit the width.
headingTextSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field name/alias text symbol.
textSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field value text symbol.
backgroundSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field background symbol.
borderSymbol CIMSymbolReference The field border symbol.
verticalLineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol for vertical lines on sides of field.

Enumeration: TableFrameFillingStrategy

Table frame fitting strategies.

Property Value Description
ShowAllRows 0 Show all the rows.
ShowVisibleRows 1 Show the rows that are visible.
ShowMapSeriesRows 2 Show the rows that intersect the current map series shape.
CustomWhereClause 3 Show rows that match a custom query.

Enumeration: TableFrameFittingStrategy

Defines which table rows to display.

Property Value Description
AdjustSize 0 Reduce fonts sizes to make data fit.
AdjustColumns 1 Flow to multiple columns to make data fit.
AdjustColumnsAndSize 2 Reduce font sizes and flow to multiple columns to make data fit.
AdjustFrame 3 Adjust the frame to fit the specified font sizes and columns.


Represents a topographic north arrow which displays declination of true, grid and magnetic north.


Property Type Description
anchor enumeration Anchor The anchor position of the element.
locked boolean A value indicating whether the element is locked. Each element in the contents pane has a lock icon. If the icon is shown as locked, you can not select that feature in the layout using the select tool.
name string The name of the element.
visible boolean A value indicating whether the element is visible.
rotation double The rotation of the element.
rotationCenter Point The location of the anchor in page units.This is also the location the feature is rotated around.
lockedAspectRatio boolean A value indicating whether the aspect ratio for an element is locked. If locked, the width and height values stretch proportionally.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the element.


Property Type Description
frame Polygon The geometry of a frame for an element.
graphicFrame CIMGraphicFrame The graphic symbology of an element's frame.


Property Type Description
mapFrame string The map frame associated with the map surround.


Property Type Description
referenceLocation Point The reference location for a north arrow.
calibrationAngle double The calibration angle for a north arrow.


Property Type Description
date TimeInstant The date used when calculating declination using world magnetic model.
zone SpatialReference The spatial reference used for calculating declination, typically a UTM zone.
isPrimaryZone boolean A value indicating whether the zone is the primary zone. Set to false when using 2nd north arrow for maps that extend across two UTM zones.
GMAngle CIMDeclination The Grid Magnetic declination.
gridConvergence CIMDeclination The Grid Convergence declination.
directionalNotes boolean A value indicating whether the directional notes are displayed on the north arrow.
leadingZero boolean A value indicating whether a leading zero is displayed for minute coordinates of grid convergence.
roundGMAngle boolean A value indicating whether GM angle is rounded for display. If true GM angle is displayed to nearest 1/2 degree, if false it is displayed as degrees and minutes.
roundMils boolean A value indicating whether Mils rounded for display. If true Mils for both GC and GM will be displayed rounded to nearest 10 Mils, otherwise to nearest 1 Mil. If RoundGMAngle is true, this property is ignored.
autoUpdate boolean A value indicating whether the properties of the topographic north arrow should update automatically based on changes in the map.
largeSize boolean A value indicating whether the topographic north arrow is displayed in large size.
topographicType enumeration TopoNorthArrowType The type of topographic north arrow to display.
textSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for text elements in topographic north arrow.
lineSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used for line elements in the topographic north arrow.
trueNorthMarkerSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol displayed at top of true north line, default is a star.
magneticNorthNegativeSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol displayed at top of magnetic north line when the gm-angle is negative.
magneticNorthPositiveSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol displayed at top of magnetic north line when the gm-angle is positive.
magneticNorthZeroSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol displayed at top of magnetic north line when the gm-angle is 0 degrees.
declinationArcSymbol CIMSymbolReference The line symbol used to display declination arc lines.
productSpecification enumeration MapProductSpecType The map product specification type of topographic north arrow.

Enumeration: TopoNorthArrowType

Defines a type of topographic north arrow.

Property Value Description
Standard 0 Standard topographic north arrow
TLM 1 North Arrow for Topographic Line Map
ICM 2 North Arrow for Image City Map

Enumeration: UnitType

Lists the unit type values.

Property Value Description
Percent 0 Percent.
MapUnits 1 Map Units.
PageUnits 2 Page units.


Represents a vertical legend item in a legend.


Property Type Description
name string The legend item name.
newColumn boolean A value indicating whether a legend item should be placed in a new column.
layerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item symbol.
columns long The number of columns for a legend item.
keepTogether boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be kept together.
showLayerName boolean A value indicating whether the legend item layer name should be displayed.
showHeading boolean A value indicating whether the legend item heading should be displayed.
headingSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item heading symbol.
showLabels boolean A value indicating whether the legend item labels should be displayed.
layer string The legend item layer's path.
showDescription boolean A value indicating whether a legend item description should be displayed.
labelSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item label symbol.
descriptionSymbol CIMSymbolReference The legend item description symbol.
patchWidth double The legend item patch width. Units in points.
patchHeight double The legend item patch height. Units in points.
autoVisibility boolean A value indicating whether the legend item should be displayed if in the visible extent.
useMapSeriesShape boolean A value indicating whether to use map series shape instead of map frame to find dynamic classes.
classIndent double Distance from the class name to the edge of the legend.
headingIndent double Distance from the heading to the edge of the legend.
layerNameIndent double Distance of the layer name to the edge of the legend.
showGroupLayerName boolean A value indicating whether to show the containing group layer name above the item.
groupLayerNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol used to display the group layer name.
scaleToPatch boolean A value indicating whether to scale the symbol to the specified patch size.
showCounts boolean A value indicating whether the legend should display count statistics.
countFormat NumberFormat The feature count format.
countPrefix string The feature count prefix.
countSuffix string The feature count suffix.
isVisible boolean A value indicating whether the legend item is visible.


Property Type Description
arrangement enumeration LegendItemArrangement The arrangement.