Backtop-Angular2 Directive/Component
This is a Backtop Directive/Component for Angular 2.
Please fell free to declare issues or contribute :
FontAwesome :
npm i --save ng2-backtop
- in your app.component.html :
<backtop scrollspeed=600 buttontheme="light"></backtop>
- Add BacktopModule in your app.module.ts:
import {BacktopModule} from 'ng2-backtop';
import: [..., BacktopModule]
#Options Options for Backtop
- Choose speed to scroll top : example : 100(very fast) - 10000(very slow)
scrollspeed = 600 (default)
- buttontheme CSS Style : choose to ligth or dark or create your own theme based on ng2-backtop.css
buttontheme = ligth
#Tested in:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari