I built this application to provide access to some COVID county leval case maps that I built with my COVID Dashboard notebook. There are service endpoints to list and display images from an AWS S3 bucket or local file system. There is a basic index.html to access the services and display images. The page is authenticated through GitHub using Oauth.
Here's a link to the running application. It's running on a Linode instance as a docker image.
- /user - returns authenticated user login name
- /maps-list - returns json list of files
- */map-image-file?fname= * - returns map image from file system
- /s3-maps-list - returns json list of files from S3 bucket
- */map-image-file?fname= * - returns map image from S3 bucket
The following are required
- jdk 17
- maven 3
- docker 23
- docker-compose 1.29
./mvnw spring-boot:run
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
docker-compose up
- LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR - local directory containing images