- Created RB-1 robot model using URDF format and visualized in Rviz
- Simulated RB-1 robot in Gazebo and tested sending velocity commands
- Created ROS service for controlling the robot rotation
To display the robot model in Rviz, run the following command.
roslaunch my_rb1_description display.launch
Run the following command to launch the robot in Gazebo world. Gazebo is useful for testing the robot's interaction with the simulated world.
roslaunch my_rb1_gazebo my_rb1_robot_warehouse.launch
The video shows the result after running the command.
Run the following code to launch a service server to control the robot's rotation. Open a new terminal to call the service by providing a degree of rotation.
roslaunch my_rb1_ros rotate_service.launch
rosservice call /rotate_robot "degrees: -90"
The video shows the result after running the command.