Feature: Added author boxes author separator field, #1379
Feature: Added Prefix and suffix fields for author box row #1382
Fixed: Conflict with the Advanced Ads plugins, #1398
Update: Extended Pagination to other layouts shortcode [publishpress_authors_list layout="boxed" limit_per_page="20"], #1381
Update: Update Display Name field to match WordPress style, #1373
Update: Spelling typo of roleName in Installer, #1400
Fixed: Rankmath "The property @type is not recognized by the schema", #1399
Update: Move "Author Bio" to the bottom of the "Edit My Author Profile" screen, #1372
Update: Update shortcodes tab for new author boxes, #1336
Fixed: 8.2 deprecations warning, #1330
Update: Remove "Create default Author Boxes" maintenance button, #1371
Fixed: Conflict with Pattern Manager plugin, #1378
Update: Small text update: Update data from mapped user, #1374
Update: Small text update for Maintenance, #1370
Update: Drop the ad for Blocks, #1317
Fixed: Issues with Divi WordPress Theme, #1383
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