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Fastfeet App
Fastfeet for product delivery

A FullStack App to manage packages, deliverers and recipients.

Libraries   |    How To Use   |    License

🚀 Libraries

This project was developed at the RocketSeat GoStack Bootcamp with the following amazing Libraries:



React native:

Back-end, Front-end, React native:

ℹ️ How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js v12.16.1 LTS or higher + Yarn v1.22.4 or higher installed on your computer. You'll also need to setup and run a Postgres and a Redis database and insert the access informations into a .env file, based on a .env.example file that is provided in the backend folder. From your command line:

# Clone this repository and submodules
$ git clone --recurse-submodules

# Go into the repository
$ cd fastfeet-final-challenge

# Install dependencies for the backend
$ cd backend
$ yarn

It is necessary to create the database in postgres before to run the yarn
sequelize db:migrate and change your IP on .env BASE_URL to acess
avatar on mobile and frontend

# Run migrations and the seed to your database
# The command yarn sequelize db:seed:all is just necessary if you wanna create the admin user automatically.
$ yarn sequelize db:migrate
$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all

# Run the backend server
$ yarn dev
$ yarn queue

# Install dependencies for the frontend and run the server
$ cd frontend
$ yarn
$ yarn start

# Install dependencies for the mobile
$ cd mobile
$ yarn
It is necessary to change the IP in api.js to IP where you installed the back end.
You can find the api.js file accessing src/services/api.js

# Start React Native Server
$ yarn start

# Run the app (Android) - This app was just tested in Android smartphones.
$ yarn android

Created by Renann Souza Tavares da Silva 👋 github!


Fastfeet a fullstack app.






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