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fixDynamicEQ for Mac, Windows and Linux

Simple packaging of OCA's fixDynamicEQ for MacOS, Windows and Linux

Please visit OCA's YouTube video that introduce A1 Evo Nexus

Features vs original fixDynamicEQ

  • You can force AVR IP using -f AVRIP
  • For example ./fixDynamicEQ -f


Go to the releases and download last one

Install for Developers

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd fixDynamicEQ

Install dependencies:

npm install


npm start

Package for all supported OS/architectures:

npm install -g pkg
pkg .

Docker Image

A Docker Image is available at Docker Hub, you can run it with the following command.

docker run -d -it --net=host --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/REW,target=/usr/src/app/rew pulento/fixdynamiceq:latest

Please note the source parameter which is the folder where your .ady calibration file resides. In this example '$(pwd)/REW' which is basically a REW folder in your current directory, you can point that to whatever folder your manualREW-something.ady is stored on your local machine.

Run with a Process Manager

fixDynamicEQ sometimes exits when changes occurs on the network side of the hosting machine. To overcome this you can use a process manager like PM2 to restart it in those cases.

If you don't have npm installed you can install it through Homebrew on MacOS or download NodeJS for Windows directly from its site.

Then having npm in place you can install PM2:

npm install -g pm2

Then run fixDynamicEQ through PM2 like this:

pm2 start fixDynamicEQ

Or like this if you want to force AVR's IP.

pm2 start fixDynamicEQ -- -f

You can stop, check logs or monitor its execution if you want:

pm2 stop fixDynamicEQ
pm2 logs
pm2 monit

A PM2 config file is included to ease execution especially on Windows where argument pass is a pain, edit it to suit your needs, check args variable if you need to remove it or change the IP of your AVR, then start with following command:

pm2 start deq_pm2.config.js

Official A1 Evo Nexus forum thread

A1 Evo Nexus is discussed and released in the following AVS Forum thread.

Important Notes

MacOS packages aren't signed, MacOS probably will say it is damaged and should be deleted. Run the following from your terminal:

chmod +x fixDynamicEQ
xattr -c ./fixDynamicEQ