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larjona edited this page Nov 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

Call for meeting

Public call:

When: 2015/11/05, 9AM PDT (16:00 UTC) Convert to your timezone

Where: channel on IRC (, you can attend also via XMPP/Jabber, since we have a bridge (MUC: ), or via web ( )


Agenda for the case Evan Prodromou can come:

  • pump.node adoption
  • fundraising
  • roadmap
  • Social WG (and Activipy) mini-update
  • Decide date/time for next meeting

Agenda for the case Evan Prodromou cannot attend:

  • Social WG (and Activipy) mini-update
  • Updates on the work in the code base and bug reports
  • Updates on documentation / deployments
  • Decide date/time for next meeting


[17:04] <larjona> #############################################################

[17:04] <larjona> BEGIN LOG

[17:04] <larjona> #############################################################

[17:04] <larjona> Dear all, welcome to this community meeting!

[17:04] <larjona> Info URL:

[17:04] <larjona>

[17:05] <larjona> Roll call, Who's here? Say hello!

[17:05] -*- larjona is here

[17:05] -*- bkuhn is sort of here

[17:05] <larjona> jankusanagi__ apologised some minutes ago

[17:05] <bkuhn> (If you address me, I'll likely answer, otherwise I'll probably miss stuff)

[17:08] -*- larjona will wait some more minutes...

[17:10] -*- ben_thatmustbeme idly watches

[17:11] <paroneayea> hello!

[17:11] <paroneayea> oh, is it now? :)

[17:11] <paroneayea> yeah okay I'm around!

[17:11] <paroneayea> I forgot because of daylight savings things ;)

[17:12] -*- larjona almost, last week :)

[17:12] -*- paroneayea adjusts his meeting timestamp in orgmode

[17:13] <larjona> ok, so it seems not much more people around.

[17:14] <guido> hi

[17:14] <larjona> hi guido

[17:14] <guido> i made it, i think

[17:15] <larjona> I think we could have the meeting, and post the logs anyway; if we finish early because we have few updates, next week will be more interesting isn't it?

[17:15] <larjona> #TOPIC: Social WG (and Activipy) mini-update

[17:15] <larjona> paroneayea?

[17:15] <paroneayea> hey!

[17:15] <paroneayea> yeah, fun update this week :)

[17:16] -*- marxistvegan joins in

[17:16] <paroneayea> hey marxistvegan !

[17:16] <paroneayea>

[17:16] <paroneayea> so ActiviPy 0.1 is released

[17:16] <paroneayea> and was well received by the ActivityStreams main author

[17:16] <marxistvegan> hey paroneayea

[17:16] <paroneayea> spec author

[17:16] <paroneayea> also, Evan is becoming co-editor of the ActivityStreams spec, which is good

[17:17] <paroneayea> we're seeing a lot of issues that were causing disagreements in the group around activitystreams being ironed out this week

[17:17] <paroneayea> and!

[17:17] <paroneayea> well, on both sides

[17:17] <paroneayea> - on the microformats side, aaronpk and ben_thatmustbeme (hello both of you!) are doing a great job building a json representation of that format, and ben_thatmustbeme has been working on a json-ld vocabulary

[17:18] <paroneayea> this brings us a lot closer to harmony between those groups

[17:18] -*- ben_thatmustbeme waves

[17:19] <paroneayea> - and the linked data community have mostly been frustrated about some things about the mimetype stuff, mainly because there's a "why not just view everything as rdf/linked data?" type mentality, but I think we saw good progress on making sure there's a dead-simple json version around, and keeping the linked data people happy in the process

[17:19] <paroneayea> something something profiles something something but also a mimetype that can mostly be viewed as a profile with a compacted vocabulary something something

[17:19] <paroneayea> that's more technical than most people need to know but basically it means

[17:19] <paroneayea> I think we're seeing a lot more convergence

[17:19] <paroneayea> which is good for the pumpiverse

[17:20] <paroneayea> so I'm very optimistic this week

[17:20] <paroneayea> this weekend there will be an indieweb hackathon thing, I will probably participate on sunday

[17:20] <paroneayea> on activipy progress

[17:20] <paroneayea> anyone here interested in activitystreams implementation stuff?

[17:20] <paroneayea> you may want to join me, it's happening all weekend (though we have a party saturday so I will only be doing sunday)

[17:21] <paroneayea> anyway, that's the crux of the meeting, I'm seeing things move nicely ahead and I think the future is pretty good right now.

[17:21] <larjona> paroneayea URL or IRC/xmpp channel, please? So people can inform themselves and join if they want

[17:21] <ben_thatmustbeme> url: irc: #indiewebcamp

[17:21] <larjona> thanks

[17:21] <paroneayea> ben_thatmustbeme: on freenode?

[17:21] <ben_thatmustbeme> yes

[17:21] <paroneayea> looks like yes yeah :)

[17:21] <paroneayea> okay great

[17:22] <paroneayea> larjona: that's it, unless people have questions!

[17:22] <ben_thatmustbeme> we will post links to virtual attendance, etc, day of

[17:22] <larjona> Ok!! Any news/date about the sprint that you were going to run with Evan about AS 2.0 implementations?

[17:22] <paroneayea> larjona: I don't have an update ont hat one

[17:22] <paroneayea> *that

[17:22] <larjona> ok

[17:22] <paroneayea> I need to figure out the time

[17:22] <paroneayea> but yeah

[17:23] <larjona> and this would happen in... days? weeks? months?

[17:23] <larjona> (just to know when to ping again)

[17:24] <paroneayea> larjona: in a couple weeks I think

[17:24] <larjona> ok, fine

[17:24] <paroneayea> larjona: it's supposed to be pre w3c face to face

[17:24] <paroneayea> (I need to get my tickets booked for that still... eek!)

[17:25] <larjona> I have no more questions on this. Any other questions?

[17:25] <paroneayea> none from me

[17:25] <larjona> #TOPIC documentation updates

[17:26] <larjona> We issued a call for selfhosters

[17:26] <larjona>

[17:26] <larjona> Sazius already had sent info about his Debian setup, and Jan already included it in the documentation

[17:26] <larjona>

[17:26] <guido> i saw the call, but i run a noce with one user and not planning to stress it. the main difference with the contributed jessie setup is that i use a newer nodejs

[17:27] <larjona> I received info from detrout but I still didn't include (will do it tonight I hope)

[17:27] <larjona> My idea is to provide not only general info (how-to-install) but also variations that work (and the ones that don't) so guido, your info is also very valuable

[17:28] --> kuno has joined

[17:28] <guido> ok, i will e-mail it then

[17:29] <larjona> thanks

[17:29] <larjona> I think we could have something like this

[17:30] <larjona> but I don't want to push people to unveil their details (and maybe weakness in their setup) if they don't want

[17:30] -*- marxistvegan enjoyed the update

[17:32] <larjona> OTOH, I'm not sure if we have public-registration nodes other than the ones maintained by E14N and (jpope closed his, and I don't know if there are others, or all the other selfhosters are individual or limited-group servers)

[17:33] <larjona> we could also have a list of this kind and leave the infrastructure details for the documentation (without references to the particular servers)

[17:35] <paroneayea> I think both routes work

[17:35] <paroneayea> but basically allowing a "community list" is good

[17:37] <larjona> ok, I'll review the corresponding sections in

[17:38] <larjona> and will post a note when it's updated, so people can update and edit too

[17:38] <paroneayea> larjona: great!

[17:38] <larjona> Evan apologises, cannot attend the meeting (I just received a message by other way)

[17:39] <larjona> ok, any other update in documentation?

[17:39] <larjona> or questions

[17:39] <larjona> #TOPIC Updates on the work in the code base and bug reports

[17:40] <larjona> Nemno (not here :/ ) got some more fixes in the tests

[17:40] <paroneayea> yay tests fixes!

[17:41] <larjona> But it seems we need some help from strugee to finish polishing and review + merge

[17:41] <larjona> Is it ok if I paste some lines of IRC log here?

[17:42] -*- larjona not sure about IRC-etiquette

[17:42] <paroneayea> yes

[17:42] <larjona> ok

[17:42] <paroneayea> (brb)

[17:42] <larjona> [22:01] <Nemno> Got a patch for vows to get a step further in the vows chain.

[17:42] <larjona> [22:04] <Nemno> Got more fixes/workarounds on the way. What is the best way to handle this fix? try to make a pull request to simplesmtp and then to rai? make a tar.gz from simple smtp and change package.json to pull that one from github?

[17:42] <larjona> [22:05] <Nemno> paroneayea, strugee what do you think?

[17:42] <larjona> [22:06] <Nemno> guido: whats your opinion?

[17:42] <larjona> [22:08] <guido> Nemno: wrong highlight?

[17:42] <larjona> [22:08] <guido> i have no idea about nodejs

[17:42] <larjona> [22:12] <Nemno> No not a wrong highlight. I was hoping you did now more about nodejs so could get a sensible solution for this problem :) .

[17:42] <larjona> [22:12] <paroneayea> Nemno: I also don't know enought o answer yet ;)

[17:42] <larjona> [22:14] <Nemno> hmm, all hope on strugee at the moment. haha

[17:43] <larjona> Maybe Evan can read the logs later and give his opinion too

[17:44] <larjona> I think that's all I have about codebase work

[17:44] <guido> i have a question, where can i discuss upgrading the abandoned libraries frontend is using?

[17:44] <guido> or with who

[17:46] <larjona> guido: there has been discussion about that in former meetings; and maybe the best way now is to open an issue for each library you find outdated.

[17:46] <guido> ok, thanks

[17:47] <larjona> anything else about code/bugs?

[17:48] <paroneayea> nothing from me

[17:49] <larjona> I don't know if bkuhn knows anything about the 'legal' process of the community transition (we talked in the first meeting about applying for Conservancy, etc...)

[17:50] <paroneayea> one thing that was said last meeting was that evan was going to ping bkuhn about's current CLA

[17:50] <paroneayea> and what better options might be out there

[17:50] <bkuhn> I didn't receive a ping on the CLA, but let me search my email.

[17:50] <paroneayea> bkuhn: he might not have gotten to it yet

[17:50] <bkuhn> I have received no ping from evanpro on that.

[17:51] <paroneayea> bkuhn: basically, the current one is from Harmony and basically does a total assignment

[17:51] <bkuhn> UGH!

[17:51] <bkuhn> that's horrible.

[17:51] <bkuhn> Why did Evan pick that.

[17:51] <paroneayea> bkuhn: right, evan didn't realize it

[17:51] <bkuhn> should just switch to DCO

[17:51] <paroneayea> he thought it was just a "make sure it's free software"

[17:51] <bkuhn> I can help with that if Evan approves.

[17:51] <paroneayea> and didn't realize till last meeting

[17:51] <bkuhn> Just someone get Evan to delegate "switching CLA to DCO" to me.

[17:51] <bkuhn> via email

[17:51] <bkuhn> (I'm not on the mailing list)

[17:51] <paroneayea> bkuhn: okay, easy to do.

[17:51] <paroneayea> I'm not sure there is a mailing list ;)

[17:51] <bkuhn> Meanwhile, I would again welcome a application to Conservancy.

[17:52] <bkuhn> (I assumed there was, if there is one, I'm not on it. :)

[17:52] <larjona> <bkuhn> (I'm not on the mailing list) << there is no mailing list

[17:52] <bkuhn> Ah, good.

[17:52] <bkuhn> so someone just make this delegation happen with Cc thread.... I'll take it as action.

[17:52] <bkuhn> Pls use my address though, my is a bit overwhelmed and more behind at the moment

[17:53] <larjona> I'll ping Evan about this, CC bkuhn. Is it ok?

[17:53] <kuno> \o/

[17:54] <larjona> ok, Decide date/time for next meeting? 9 minutes left for 1-hour-meeting

[17:54] <paroneayea> larjona: sounds good

[17:54] <paroneayea> larjona: same time same place next week?

[17:54] --> detrout_ has joined

[17:55] <larjona> I think strugee and Sazius are in trouble with this time, and Dr Sekula for example I suppose is busy, maybe later is better?

[17:55] <paroneayea> later works

[17:55] <paroneayea> 1 hour later? 2 hours later?

[17:56] <larjona> no idea

[17:56] <bkuhn> larjona: it's ok with me

[17:56] <paroneayea> larjona: how about we tentatively say 1 hour later, ping strugee and Sazius

[17:56] <larjona> there is a poll

[17:57] <paroneayea> oh-ho

[17:57] <paroneayea> oh no! unauthorized!

[17:57] <larjona> pardon

[17:57] <larjona> wrong link

[17:58] <larjona>

[17:58] <larjona>

[17:58] <larjona> not friendly for javascript blockers, though

[17:59] <paroneayea> filled in

[18:02] <larjona> ok, I think we can wait 2 days and I can close the poll and make the call for next week

[18:03] <larjona> Anything else?

[18:03] <paroneayea> larjona: nothing here

[18:03] <paroneayea> larjona: great job on the meeting!

[18:03] <larjona> wait

[18:03] <paroneayea> larjona: need an ascii art donation, or do you have one? :)

[18:03] <larjona> I have some ascii art

[18:03] <paroneayea> yay!

[18:03] <larjona> .-.

[18:03] <larjona> | \

[18:03] <larjona> | /\

[18:03] <larjona> ,___| | \

[18:03] <larjona> / ___( ) L

[18:03] <larjona> '-` | | |

[18:03] <larjona> | | F

[18:03] <larjona> | | /

[18:03] <larjona> | |

[18:03] <larjona> | |

[18:03] <larjona> ||_

[18:03] <larjona> [___________]

[18:03] <larjona> ,,,,,/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[18:03] <larjona> VK

[18:04] <larjona> (not mine, as you can imagine)

[18:04] <paroneayea> a pump! :D

[18:04] <larjona> Ok, thanks everybody attending the meeting

[18:04] <paroneayea> how fitting

[18:04] <paroneayea> yay!

[18:04] <larjona> #############################################################

[18:04] <larjona> END LOG

[18:04] <larjona> #############################################################

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