Warp is a service where you can share short-lived texts and media with your friends and colleagues and be sure the data will be removed whenever you expect. The solution based on Asp.Net Core service and backed with KeyDB as a storage for sensitive user data.
To run the service you have to pass the following environment variables:
Variable | Type | Notes | Description |
PNKL_VAULT_ADDR | String | An address of a Vault instance | |
PNKL_VAULT_TOKEN | String | An access token of a Vault instance | |
DOTNET_DASHBOARD_UNSECURED_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS | Boolean | Local env only | Dsiables the telemetry dashboard login |
Run the compose file inside the root directory. It sets up external dependencies like a database etc.
❗ You may use appSettings.Local.json for local runs.
Also you might need to override DB settings to run locally. Set up the Redis section of your appSettings.Local.json.
The project uses Sass to build its styles. To compile the styles:
- Install Sass
npm install --global sass
- Install Yarn
npm install --global yarn
- Go to the root project folder and update project dependencies
yarn upgrade
- Go to Warp.WebApp/Styles folder and execute the following command
sass --style compressed main.scss ../wwwroot/css/main.min.css
The project uses these icofont glyphs:
- align-left
- bin
- clock
- close
- exclamation-tringle
- eye
- hill-sunny
- link
- loop
- pencil-alt-2
- plus
- simple-left
- worried