A C# Wrapper for Seafile Web Api
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/PureCode.SeafileClient/
- [✔] account
- [✔] activities
- [✔] avatars
- [🙁] department-libraries
- [✔] devices
- [✔] directories
- [✔] file-comments
- [✔] file-history
- [✔] file-search
- [✔] file-tags
- [✔] file-upload
- [✔] file
- [🙁] files-directories-batch-op
- [✔] groups
- [🙁] invitations
- [✔] libraries
- [🙁] library-encryption
- [✔] library-search
The seafile web api is very informal, so this project needs a lot of unit test to make sure that the responses are correct. Any issue is welcome.