Furigana is a part of Japanese written language. Japanese uses both a phonetic (representing sounds, called Hiragana) alphabet and a logographic (representing meaning, called Kanji) alphabet. In written Japanese, the two are mixed to form sentences. For Kanji, since the characters represent meaning, the reader may not always know how it is pronounced. Therefore, writers may sometimes add notes next to kanji to indicate their pronunciation, these types of notes are called Furigana. Furigana is typically written in the Hiragana alphabet.
Furigana can be problematic for systems that process text within images. Furigana does not change the meaning of the text and can thus be disregarded by computers for most purposes. For example, current Optical Character Reading systems do not handle furigana well. The furigana is mistaken as regular text and inserted into the output, which significantly reduces the quality of the result.
This project aims to detect the location of furigana in images.
install CUDA according to tensorflow requirements: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu
install tesserocr according to installation guidelines: https://github.com/sirfz/tesserocr/tree/310ae9a09ca1105652741539e454219da7c936a1#installation
download tessdata (optional): https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata
create a folder called "data" in lib/ComicTextDetector and add comictextdetector.pt and comictextdetector.pt.onnx to it from: https://github.com/dmMaze/comic-text-detector#readme
install pytorch with cuda support: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
install opencv-python, e.g. by running: pip install opencv-python
install packages from requirements.txt
The program can be run from the commandline, the following command detects furigana in an image and creates a file with the predictions. The --debug command shows the predictions in a window.
furigana_detection.py --image "../data/example.jpg" --debug
Output is given in COCO object detection format
See the --help command for more arguments
furigana_detection.py --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Show debug images (result)
--debug_area Show debug images for each individual text area
--folder FOLDER Detect all images in a folder
--image IMAGE An image to detect furigana in
--config CONFIG Path to a config file with advanced configurations
--out OUT name of output file
--labels LABELS Path to ground truth labels
--predictions PREDICTIONS
Path to predictions for evaluation (labels must also
be specified)
--validate validate detections using ocr (tessdata must be
--eval run evaluation. If a folder is detected, these results
will be evaluated
Alternatively, use the FuriganaDetector class to make detections
import detection
Akkera Kanjinchou © Yuki Kobayashi. Original images were taken from the manga109 dataset http://www.manga109.org
example.jpg is from Tsundere Akuyaku Reijō Rīzerotte to Jikkyō no Endō-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san © Suzu Enoshima