Create channels on mumble server using gumble client library
go install
You can also use the docker
docker pull pvarkiprojekti/mumble_createchannels
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/example.yaml:/channels.yaml:ro pvarkiprojekti/mumble_createchannels:latest --user Superuser --pass "superusers_password" /channels.yaml
Any registered user that is allowed to create channels should work but unless you have exported the certs for said user you can't authenticate as them...
For a full list of options, run with --help
Uses pre-commit, you need some basic dependencies (run in this directory)
pip3 install --user pre-commit detect-secrets
pre-commit install
As usual using virtualenvs is generally recommended but in this case not strictly mandatory.
Before committing check your work with:
pre-commit run --all-files ; echo $?
This saves you annoyance of rewriting commit messages when one of the checks fail.
Before you get started, make sure you have installed the following tools::
$ python3 -m pip install -U cookiecutter>=1.4.0
$ python3 -m pip install pre-commit bump2version invoke ruamel.yaml halo detect-secrets
$ go get -u
$ go get -u
$ go get -u
$ go get -u # if you want to test building on different architectures
Remember: To be able to excecute the tools downloaded with go get
make sure to include $GOPATH/bin
in your $PATH
If echo $GOPATH
does not give you a path make sure to run
(export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
to set it). In order for your changes to persist,
do not forget to add these to your shells .bashrc
We use bump2version to edit the version numbers in files
bump2version (major | minor | patch)
git push --follow-tags
This project is still in the alpha stage and should not be considered production ready.