The Reddit Mondrian App connects to the Reddit API to provide hot posts for design, data & technology topics.
The purpose of this project is to help me to better understand React, Redux, Jest, Enzyme, the Reddit API and to inspire people with valuable content.
- JavaScript - version ES6
- React - version 17.0.1
- React-Redux - version 7.2.2
- Redux Toolkit - 1.5.0
- Jest - version 26.2
Please use npm install & npm start to run the application in your local environmnet.
Examples of API building blocks:
import { API_URL } from '../../constants/base'
export const getSubredditPosts = async (subreddit) => {
const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}${subreddit}.json?limit=60`)
const json = await response.json()
return =>
export const getPostComments = async (permalink) => {
const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}${permalink}.json`)
const json = await response.json()
return json[1] =>
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Users can use the application on any device (desktop to mobile)
- Users can use the application on any modern browser
- Users see an initial view of the data when first visiting the app
- Users can search the data using terms
- Users can filter the data based on categories that are predefined
- Users are delighted with a cohesive design system
- Users are able to leave an error state
To-do list:
- Users can access the application at a URL
- Users are shown a detail view (modal or new page/route) when they select an item
- Users are delighted with animations and transitions
Project is: wip
Thanks to REDDIT for providing this great API.
Created by @pwagnerde - feel free to contact me!