A Python client to Tempo Timesheet REST API
Simple Client for interfacing to Tempo Timesheet.
We use it to pull worklogs and aggregate to our billing system, so all endpoints are not implemented. If you want more functions we would love a pull request.
We don't use the full OAuth2 authorization, just the API token generated from within JIRA.
See Tempo Timesheet Documentation for more details.
- Get all accounts
- Get account info
- Get worklogs for account
import iso8601
from tempo_client.client import TempoClient
client = TempoClient(access_token='xxxxxxxxx')
from_date = iso8602.parse_date('2018-02-01')
end_date = iso8602.parse_date('2018-02-28')
worklogs = client.get_account_worklogs(
account_key='ACCOUNT', start=from_date, stop=end_date)