Automated purchase of P2P orders on OKX
OKXP2PBot is written in the Python programming language for the Okx cryptocurrency exchange
Bot automatically buy USDT and other coins on the OKX exchange in the order faster than others through p2p
This makes it possible to buy orders very quickly
The bot is multitasking - it can perform several tasks at the same time (you can simultaneously buy orders for different cryptocurrencies)
The choice of currency (fiat) and payment methods (banks) in the bot is dynamic and pulled directly from the Okx exchange - this makes it possible to buy cryptocurrency for any currency in any country
After launching the task (order) you created, the bot will monitor prices on the Okx P2P exchange, and as soon as the price appears below the one set in the task you created, the bot will open a deal and notify you in a telegram
P2P Trade Bot OKX
Instructions for installing and configuring the OKX P2P bot To manage the OKX P2P bot software, you need to create and connect a telegram bot
Detailed instructions for registering a new telegram bot:
The resulting API key for your telegram bot will need to be copied and added to the configuration file located in the bot folder
Example: BOT_TOKEN = '5017012087:AAGXATlZLS3l25SxVbXIxXVcOPNqkT1Q5ig' # token BotFather
Detailed instructions on how to install Python on Windows:
Go to the settings of the bot itself
Go to the C drive folder: In the folder of drive C: unpack the archive
Go to the OKXP2PBot folder and click on the start.bat file to start the bot
After that, a menu for creating task (orders) will appear.
The bot contains OKX filters: When creating a task (order) for the purchase, you will have a choice of cryptocurrency (asset)
Choosing which currency to buy (fiat)
Payment methods (PayType) - you can specify an unlimited number
System requirements: Windows 10/11, Python 3.x.x
Telegram: @morgan_sql