An example of an application on Django.
This application allows us to invite friends from the social network vkontakte. The user who came to the page of the site will be offered to log in through the social network vkontakte. After authorization, if he has not previously responded to the invitation, it will be proposed to confirm or decline participation in the party. If he previously answered a question, he will be asked to delete and answer again.
The party organizer can view all of these answers. Also, the organizer will receive email notifications about all actions of other users.
In repository, collected everything necessary to deploy the project.
This project uses the following third-party dependencies:
- Python 3.6
- Django 1.11
- PostgreSQL 9.6
- RabbitMQ 3.5.7
Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv -p python3.6 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip instal -r requirements.txt
Create an .env
file with content similar to the .env.dist
file. It will be necessary to substitute your secret data to connect to the PostgreSQL database (DATABASE_URL
) and the message broker RabbitMQ (CELERY_BROKER_URL
Go to and select "Website", set the name. Received "Application ID" and "Secure Key" should be written in the file .env (SOCIAL_AUTH_VK_OAUTH2_KEY
Applying Migrations to the Database.
cd app
./ migrate
Load fixture data (optional).
./ loaddata dictionaries/drinks.json
Run local web server
./ runserver
and in the other console we run celery
celery -A config worker -l info