#New York demographics
Chloropleth Map of New York showing the Population under age 5 in all New York counties for years 2010-2015 based on data from census.gov. The goal is to identify the counties by a color scheme and showing the percentage of population in a specific county.According to the data from census.gov Jefferson County has the highest population and Hamilton county has the least amount of population.
#Project repository
Data: https://github.com/qaisarmehmood/umbcvis/blob/master/Newyork.population%20Data.csv
#Instructional demos
1.This demo shows how to read CSV data for the project into a map of counties for the entire US.
2.The second demo shows how to filter all the counties except those in New York. And it uses the SVG transform attribute to zoom in on the state.
3.The third demo shows how to create a D3 map so that the CSV data can be queried by FIPS code. The several lines of new code are indicated by "NEW" comments. To see what's going on, you should open the developer console and scroll over some of the counties.
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#Data sources and preprocessing Go to the following websites for Data links
1.Census.gov https://www.census.gov/
2.American Fact Finder https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_SF1_SF1DP1&prodType=table