About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | Contributors
I write about my journey as a developer and share my knowledge with the community. I use platforms like dev.to to write my articles. As a developer who is much interested in whats goes on in an Application rather than just using it to my benefit, I tried my hands on a Blog using MERN STACK
βοΈ Writer & Admin Authentication
βοΈ Create-Read-Update-Delete Blog
βοΈ Save blog as draft
βοΈ Create-Read-Update-Delete Categories
βοΈ Save category as draft
βοΈ Create-Read-Update-Delete Writer
βοΈ Persist user login with access and refresh token using JWT
βοΈ protect Admin routes using JWT authentications
βοΈ Send email notifications on security updates and blog updates using nodemailer
The following tools were used in this project:
Before starting π, you need to have Git, TypeScript and Node installed.
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/qbentil/bentility
# Access
$ cd bentility
# Install dependencies
$ npm i
# Run the project
$ npm run dev
# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>
This project is not
These wonderful people have contributed to this project:
Bentil Shadrack |
Nutifafa Afi Attor |