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forward_list object in C


If you don't have CMake, install it first with your packet manager or via In the directory run the command



cd build

Then, depending on your compilation system, compile the program with make, for example

make -k all

You can also request immediate installation with

make install



To initialise a list to the empty list, use the fw_list_init function.

fw_list_t* fw_list_init(void);

Ex :

fw_list_t* list = fw_list_init();


To free the list from memory, use the fw_list_free function.

void fw_list_free(fw_list_t *forward_list);

Ex :


Element access

To access the value contained in the first element of the list we use fw_list_front.

void* fw_list_front(fw_list_t *forward_list);

Ex :

int* value = (int*)fw_list_front(list);

In the case of a non-empty list of integers


There are two types of iterator the constant iterator, which cannot modify the list and can only read fw_list_citer_t, and its non-constant counterpart fw_list_iter_t. To create an iterator we use the fw_list_begin function which returns an iterator on the first element, we can also use fw_list_before_begin which returns an iterator on the element preceding the first element. You can use the fw_list_next function to browse the list. which returns the iterator following the current iterator. We use the fw_list_get function to retrieve the data referenced by an iterator. The fw_list_next function returns an iterator on the element after the last element. There is a version of this function for constant iterators Ex :

for (fw_list_citer_t i = fw_list_cbegin(list); i != fw_list_cend(); i = fw_list_cnext(i))
    printf("%d ", *(const int*)fw_list_cget(i));

To modify data in the list, you can either use the pointer returned by fw_list_get or rewrite all the data with fw_list_set.


To test whether the list is empty, use the fw_list_empty function. Ex :

if (fw_list_empty(list))
    printf("The list is empty");



To clear a list so that it remains usable, use fw_list_clear.

void fw_list_clear(fw_list_t **forward_list);

Ex :



To insert a value after a referenced value that will be copied to the list, use fw_list_insert_after.

fw_list_iter_t fw_list_insert_after(fw_list_iter_t iter, void const *value, size_t size_value);

Ex :

int array[] = {5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9};
fw_list_t* list = fw_list_init();
fw_list_iter_t it_list = fw_list_before_begin(list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array); i++)
    fw_list_insert_after(it_list, &(array[i]), sizeof(int));
    it_list = fw_list_next(it_list);

Create the following list 9 -> 7 -> 6 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5

To insert a value at the beginning, use fw_list_push_front

int fw_list_push_front(fw_list_t **forward_list, void const *value, size_t size_value);


To delete a value after a pointed value, use fw_list_erase_after.

int fw_list_erase_after(fw_list_iter_t iter);

Example with the previous case :


list will then be 9 -> 6 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5

To remove a value at the beginning, use fw_list_pop_front

void fw_list_pop_front(fw_list_t **forward_list);


To concatenate two lists, we use fw_list_splice_after

void fw_list_splice_after(fw_list_t **forward_list1, fw_list_t **forward_list2);

To concatenate two sorted lists into one sorted list, we use fw_list_merge

void fw_list_merge(fw_list_t **forward_list1, fw_list_t **forward_list2, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*));

To sort a list, we use fw_list_sort

void fw_list_sort(fw_list_t **forward_list, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*));