Wukongbaobao 是一个帮助家长灵活生成幼儿考试题的程序。工具使用 Python 编写。
Wukongbaobao is a program that helps parents flexibly generate test questions for their children. The tool is written in Python.
- 通过算法按需生成数学试题
- 支持生成txt文件、docx文件格式
Main functions include:
- Generate math test questions on demand through algorithms
- Supports generation of txt and docx file formats
Scenario 1: Family education scenario
Scenario 2: Program learning scenario
需要 Python3 环境
Python3 is required
$ pip3 install wukongbaobao
$ python3 -m wukongbaobao [-h] [--level {1,2,3,4}] [--basic_cnt BASIC_CNT] [--open_cnt OPEN_CNT] [--algorithm {+,-}]
level 1 对应 [0, 10] 区间的算法
level 2 对应 [11, 30] 区间的算法
level 3 对应 [31, 60] 区间的算法
level 4 对应 [61, 100] 区间的算法