Across is the fastest, cheapest and most secure cross-chain bridge. It is a system that uses UMA contracts to quickly move tokens across chains. This contains various utilities to support applications on across.
Use across official API to get suggested fees.
>>> import across
>>> a = across.AcrossAPI()
>>> a.suggested_fees("0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607", 10, 1000000000)
{'slowFeePct': '43038790000000000', 'instantFeePct': '5197246000000000'}
Calculates lp fee percentages when doing a transfer.
from across.fee_calculator import (
from across.utils import toBNWei
rate_model = {
"UBar": toBNWei("0.65"),
"R0": toBNWei("0.00"),
"R1": toBNWei("0.08"),
"R2": toBNWei("1.00"),
interval = { "utilA": 0, "utilB": toBNWei(0.01), "apy": 615384615384600, "wpy": 11830749673498 }
apy_fee_pct = calculate_apy_from_utilization(rate_model, interval["utilA"], interval["utilB"])
assert apy_fee_pct == interval["apy"]
realized_lp_fee_pct = calculate_realized_lp_fee_pct(rate_model, interval["utilA"], interval["utilB"])
assert realized_lp_fee_pct == interval["wpy"]
Get lp fee calculations by timestamp.
from across import LpFeeCalculator
from web3 import Web3
provider = Web3.WebsocketProvider("{YOUR-PROVIDER-ADDRESS}")
calculator = LpFeeCalculator(provider)
token_address = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2" # WETH on mainnet
bridge_pool_address = "0x7355Efc63Ae731f584380a9838292c7046c1e433" # WETH BridgePool on mainnet
amount = "1000000000000000000" # 1 ETH
timestamp = 1645000000 # timestamp in seconds
percent = calculator.get_lp_fee_pct(
token_address, bridge_pool_address, amount, timestamp
Install poetry and install the dependencies:
pip3 install poetry
poetry install
# test
python -m unittest
# local install and test
pip3 install twine
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
pip3 install --index-url --no-deps across