for the program to respond to clicks all you have to do is run it and it'll instantly start listening for clicks.
take a look in Test.txt and you'll see 3 key lines:
line 1 (int) = ms - how long each burst is
line 2 (int) = ms1 - delay between shots
line 3 (bool) = ch - 1 to hold, 0 to click repeatedly
In case you didnt absorb that information above instantly here's what each line means in detail:
line 1 is how long in ms the burst loop will run. 1000 ms means it'll burst for 1 second.
line 2 is the delay between clicks so when using a pistol you can set it to around 30ms and it'll wait that long between bursts
line 3 is the choice between option 1 which is holding mouse click (good for auto weapons) and option 2 which is rapidly clicking (good for pistols).