A collection of examples demonstrating different techniques for automated testing with Espresso.
You are free to use any resource, Google, etc.
Please write all code youself
NOT tested on Windows.
you should know a bit of Git to do this.
Preferred - write code in Kotlin - but you can use Java.
You will be in the main
branch when you start
Please switch to a testing branch
- git clone the repository (AndroidStudio-AppTesting) into your preferred directory
- checkout branches for tests
- like
git checkout test-a
- start with test-a
- finish with test-b
- extra test-c
Search for WORK to find tasks
in the CustomListTest
(test-a,test-b) or PersonListTest(test-c)
- git commit all of your work
- from a branch just
git push -U origin <test-a>
if working on test a