Animate Plus is a CSS and SVG animation library for modern browsers. Animate Plus is performant and lightweight (3KB gzipped), making it particularly well-suited for mobile.
- SVG performance/stress test: 1,000 SVG shapes animated independently at the same time.
- CSS performance/stress test: hold the mouse down and make DOM elements bloom!
- Real-world example: all the CSS and SVG animations on this page are made with Animate Plus.
npm install animateplus
or download and insert animate.min.js
<script src=animate.min.js></script>
Start animating things:
el: "div",
translateX: 100,
opacity: .5,
duration: 500
accepts either an Object
or a Map
containing at least an element and a property to animate:
el: "div",
opacity: 0
// Or:
var params = new Map();
params.set("el", "div");
params.set("opacity", 0);
The elements to animate. el
can either take a:
- CSS selector:
- jQuery-like object:
- DOM element:
- Array of DOM elements:
- NodeList or HTMLCollection:
The duration of your animation in milliseconds. Default: 1000
The delay before your animation starts in milliseconds. Default: 0
The easing type. Default: easeOutElastic
. You can preview the possible values listed
below with the easing visualizer tool.
linear | ease in | ease out | ease in out |
linear | easeInQuad | easeOutQuad | easeInOutQuad |
easeInCubic | easeOutCubic | easeInOutCubic | |
easeInQuart | easeOutQuart | easeInOutQuart | |
easeInQuint | easeOutQuint | easeInOutQuint | |
easeInSine | easeOutSine | easeInOutSine | |
easeInExpo | easeOutExpo | easeInOutExpo | |
easeInCirc | easeOutCirc | easeInOutCirc | |
easeInElastic | easeOutElastic | easeInOutElastic | |
easeInBack | easeOutBack | easeInOutBack | |
easeOutBounce |
The frequency of elastic curves can be configured by passing a number between 0 and 1000 (default: 500
el: "div",
translateY: "200%",
easing: "easeOutElastic 700"
Boolean. Specifies if your animation should run indefinitely. Default: false
The direction of your animation. Default: normal
. Possible values:
- normal
- reverse
- alternate (only applies if your animation loops)
A function to trigger before your animation starts. An array of the elements selected with the el
parameter is passed as the callback's first argument.
<!doctype html>
div {
display: none;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: black;
<script src=animate.min.js></script>
el: "div",
scaleX: 2,
begin: show
function show(elements) {
elements.forEach(function(el) { = "block"; });
Same as begin
, but triggers the callback at the end of the animation instead.
Supported properties:
- translateX - translateY - translateZ
- scale - scaleX - scaleY - scaleZ
- rotate - rotateX - rotateY - rotateZ
- skewX - skewY
- opacity
- perspective
Animations start from default CSS values and end to the values you specify:
el: "div",
opacity: 0, // fades out from 1 to 0
translateX: 20 // slides to the right by 20px
Alternatively, you can specify custom start values by passing an array:
el: "div",
opacity: [0, 1], // fades in from 0 to 1
translateX: [20, 0] // slides to the left from 20px to 0
automatically adds units if they're missing (deg
for rotate
, px
for translate
and perspective
) but you can specify them if needed:
el: "div",
translateX: "100%"
SVG animations require an array with your start and end values. Any SVG attribute containing at least some numeric values can be animated:
var colors = ["#80f", "#fc0"];
var points = [
"M54,271 L0,271 L0,103 L0,0 L142,0 L285,0 L285,103 L285,271 L230,271 L142,271 Z",
"M54,271 L71,172 L0,103 L98,89 L142,0 L186,89 L285,103 L213,172 L230,271 L142,224 Z"
el: "path",
fill: colors,
d: points
stops all animations running on el
(which can be any of these values).
var div = document.querySelector("div");
el: div,
rotate: 180
// Stop the rotation on click
div.addEventListener("click", function() {
- Line-drawing animation screencast
- SVG morphing button 1
- SVG morphing button 2
- 250 SVG circles (mouseover the elements)
- Bouncing circle of DOM elements (mouseover the elements)
- Bendy paths based on the
SVG element.