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@ceki ceki released this 25 Feb 19:05
· 1 commit to master since this release

2025-02-25 - Release of SLF4J 2.0.17

• As reported in issues/450, in some rare cases where MDC could be initialized before LoggerFactory. Thus, MDC would be stuck using the wrong MDCAdapter instance. To fix this issue LoggerFactory and MDC have been modified. Implementations of SLF4JServiceProvider are encouraged to initialize their mdcAdapter and markerFactory fields as early as possible, preferably at construction time. Note that these changes are transparent to existing logging backends which will continue to work as is.

• In JDK14LoggerAdapter, fixed extraction of the caller in case there exists an additional logging abstaction such as Jboss logging. This issue was reported in issues/425.

• Fixed incorrect interpretation of Level.OFF and Level.ALL in SLF4JPlatformLogger by mapping Level.OFF as Level.ERROR and Level.ALL as Level.TRACE. This issue was reported in issues/430 by Peter Halicky.

• A bit-wise identical binary of this version can be reproduced by building from source code at commit c233ea1 associated with the tag v_2.0.17. Release built using Java "21" 2023-10-17 LTS build 21.0.1.+12-LTS-29 under Linux Debian 11.6.