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official upyun sdk for node.js


Currently only works with legacy API(the current online API)


$ npm install upyun --save


var upyun = new UPYUN(bucket, operator, password, endpoint, apiVersion);


  • bucket: your upyun bucket's name.
  • operator: operator which is granted permisson to bucket
  • password: passowrd for the operator which is granted permisson to bucket
  • endpoint The value can be these(leave blank to let sdk auto select the best one):
    • ctcc or v1: China Telecom
    • cucc or v2: China Unicom
    • cmcc or v3 China Mobile
    • v0 or any other string: Will use (auto detect routing)
  • apiVersion: API version.
    • 'legacy': current online api.(currently, it is the default)
      • when you choose legacy, it make an instance by upyun-legacy, they have the same methods name as the latest version. But the response data may not has the same format. More detail at upyun-legacy/
    • 'latest': the bleeding-edge.(Not available now.)


var UPYUN = require('upyun');

var upyun = new UPYUN('testbucket', 'operatername', 'operaterpwd', 'ctcc', 'legacy');

upyun.getUsage(function(err, result) {


In this SDK, every api will return a response in the format:


    statusCode: 200,    // http stats code
    headers: {
        server: 'nginx/1.1.19',
        date: 'Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:15:27 GMT',
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'content-length': '24',
        connection: 'close'
    },                  // response header
    data: {
        space: 2501,
        files: 1
    }                   // response body

Error catch

When an error occured, the error will be catched, and returned in the response

    statusCode: 401,    // http stats code
    error: {
        error_code: 40104,
        request: 'GET /imgtest',
        message: 'Signature error, (signature = md5(METHOD&PATH&DATE&CONTENT_LENGTH&MD5(PASSWORD))).'
    },                  // error message
    headers: {
        server: 'nginx/1.1.19',
        date: 'Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:19:07 GMT',
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'content-length': '145',
        connection: 'close',
        'www-authenticate': 'Basic realm="UpYun"'
    }                   // response header

The different between these two responses is the error and body.

All responses contain http status code and raw response header for futher usage.





### getUsage(callback) To get how many quota has been used.(Unit:`Byte`)


     statusCode: 200,
     headers: { ... },
     data: {
         space: 21754,
         files: 50

### listDir(remotePath, [limit], [order], [iter], callback) Get the file list of that dir. The response contains each item's type(file or dir), size(unit: `Byte`), last modify time.


  • remote_dir_path The dir path which you want to traverse.
  • limit Specifies the maximum number of file list output per request.
  • order Sort the file list by 'last_modified' as asc or desc.(Default: asc)
  • iter Specifies the start of iteration.


    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {...
    data: {
        "files": [{
            "name": "test",
            "type": "folder",
            "last_modified": 1412046146
        "iter": "g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg"

### createDir(remotePath, callback) Create a new dir in UPYUN bucket.


  • remotePath The dir path which you want to create.

### removeDir(remotePath, callback) Delete a dir
  • remotePath The dir path which you want to remove.

### uploadFile(remotePath, localFile, type, checksum, [opts], callback) Upload a file into UPYUN bucket.


  • remotePath Where the file will be stored in your UPYUN bucket.
  • localFile The file you want to upload. It can be a path string or the file's raw data.
  • type Specifies the file's content-type.
  • checksum Set true to force SDK send a md5 of local file to UPYUN. Or set a md5value string by yourself.
  • opts The additional http request headers(JavaScript Object). More detail in Official Docs

### existsFile(remotePath, callback) `HEAD` a path to detect if there is an file.


  • remotePath The file's path in your UPYUN bucket.

### downloadFile(remotePath, [localPath], callback) Download a file from UPYUN bucket.


  • remotePath The file's path in your UPYUN bucket.
  • localPath Where the file will save to. If no localPath, the file's content will output directly in the response body.

### removeFile(remotePath, callback) Delete a file from UPYUN bucket.


  • remotePath The file's path in your UPYUN bucket.
### setEndpoint(endpoint) Use this method to set api endpoint manually.


  • endpoint The value can be these(leave blank to let sdk auto select the best one):
    • ctcc or v1: China Telecom
    • cucc or v2: China Unicom
    • cmcc or v3 China Mobile
    • v0 or any other string: Will use (auto detect routing)

The previous owner of upyun npm package was James Chen

After consultation with James, this package has been transfered to official upyun develop team.

Any futher update and maintenance will conducted by upyun develop team and subsequent versions will not be associated with the original project.

In npm registry, "upyun": "<=0.0.3" were published as node-upyun by James Chen.

Thanks to James Chen for his contribution to UPYUN.


official upyun sdk for node.js







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  • JavaScript 96.7%
  • Makefile 3.3%