by Peter Barnet, Qualitas Software Ltd, June 2021
Handles Azure Event Grid Events in a development/localhost context, without requiring an internet connection or an instance of Azure Event Grid. This allows disconnected and isolated development use of Event Grid in one or more local running Visual Studio (or VS Code) solutions.
- This is about the art of the possible, and with time it could be made more flexible.
- These notes are for developing on Windows, but the concepts can be applied to other environments.
To allow one or more Visual Studio 2022 C# solutions to send and/or receive pushed events in a local development context.
The library Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid requires that events are published as HTTPS. So the emulator listens for published events on HTTPS, and is addressed with a localhost topic domain hostname.
The emulator must issue a 200-204 status response once the event is enqueued in the emulator (ie- it should not wait for push delivery to complete). A hosted service will poll the queue, and will distribute these events to the subscriber function(s); the typical scenario is a function app running locally from VS.
There is a basic delivery retry mechanism for the publishing per subscriber and per event, if a push endpoint is not accepting a particular event.
The emulator listens for events as HTTP requests at: https://localhost:5318/api/events *
A self-signed certificate for localhost emulator will work with the later Microsoft publishing libraries.
It is probably best to publish the emulator to a folder (eg- 'bin\Publish') and run the .exe from a shortcut (to save memory use); but an instance of VS running the app is also possible.
Events can be published, from a different VS solution, (using package: Azure.Messaging.EventGrid 4.11.0) as follows:
EventGridPublisherClient client = new(
new Uri("<topic-uri>"), // set to "https://localhost:5318/api/events" in development
new AzureKeyCredential("<topic-key>")); // set to Guid.Empty in development
await client.SendEventAsync(egEvent);
* - By default, but can be adjusted in appsettings.json
at Kestrel.Endpoints.Https.Url
Events published to the emulator will be pushed by the emulator to EventGridTrigger functions, WebHook/Http functions, or any accessible endpoint as defined in the appsettings.json
file under Services
as follows:
"Kestrel": ..
"Logging": ..
"Services: [
{ <Service> }, .. , { <Service> }
The structure of a Service is as follows:
"BaseAddress": "<domain address, eg: http://localhost:7075>",
"Endpoints" : [
{ <Endpoint> }, .. , { <Endpoint> }
The structure of an Endpoint is as follows:
"Path": "<eg: api/my-handler>", // supply a value for either Path or EventGridFunction
"EventGridFunction": "<EventGridTrigger Function name, eg: MyAegSubsciptionHandler>",
"EventTypes": [ "EventType1", .. , "EventTypeN" ]
An event type can be subscribed to by more than one Endpoint or Service.
The emulator pushes the events to the Azure Functions endpoints over http when running locally, which is the normal setup for Azure Functions Core Tools. Azure Event Grid will always push to Azure deployed function app endpoints using https.
You will need to ensure this function app is running on port 7075, or adjust the port the emulator tries to write http events to.
Tip - You can set the port from the function app's context menu by selecting Properties | Debug | Application Arguments
and entering the following command arguments: host start --port 7075
Setup your C# endpoint function using EventGridTriggerAttribute as follows:
public class EventHandlerFunctions
public async Task MyAegSubsciptionHandler([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent @event, ... )
Azure Function EventGrid trigger code above built using package: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid 3.2.0
If you have Azureite, the Microsoft Storage Account Emulator, installed then this emulator will store every event received by appending it to a queue that it creates called qs-aeg-emulator-received
under the event element, with other details recorded. The default TTL of 7 days for messages on the queue is used.
If the emulator cannot deliver a message (eg- no subscribers defined for the event type, the maximum no of attempts have been made, and so on) then the event will also be written to another queue called qs-aeg-emulator-deadletter
under the event element, with other details recorded. The same TTL applies here.
To disable the use of the storage emulator, add the following to appsettings.json
"Storage": {
"Enabled": false
Watch this space for new features, such as a replay queue for events to be easily resubmitted.