docker compose up docker-compose up --detach docker-compose logs docker compose down
docker exec -it flyway-db-1 bash psql -U postgres
password is set in docker compose
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libpq/15.2/bin/psql -h localhost -U postgres
configure the connection etc.
flyway clean
flyway migrate
flyway info
flyway --help
Command Description
\du List all users and their roles.
\dt List all tables in the current database.
\l List all databases.
\c Connect to a database.
\i Execute commands from a file.
\e Open an editor to write a query.
\timing Show the time it takes to execute queries.
\df List all functions.
\dv List all views.
\dn List all schemas.
\d List information about a specific table or other database object.
\x Toggle expanded display mode.
\q Quit psql.